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39 results for 'phototherapy'

Psoriasis treatment: Phototherapy

Laser treatment for nail psoriasis: Six treatments, which were given once a month with a pulsed dye laser, lead to noticeably less nail discoloration, crumbling, and pitting. ... Phototherapy is a treatment that uses certain types of light. If you are interested in using phototherapy, be sure to ask a

Eczema treatment: Phototherapy

Phototherapy therapy ... If your child’s eczema covers a large area or treatment you apply to the skin fails to work, your child’s dermatologist may recommend phototherapy. ... Why do dermatologists recommend this treatment for children? ... Your child’s dermatologist may recommend phototherapy if your child’s eczema: ... Remains (after

Medications and light treatments for psoriasis

To treat psoriasis, most people apply medication directly to their skin. If you need stronger treatment, your dermatologist may prescribe light treatments or medication that works throughout the body. You’ll find information about the different psoriasis treatments below. Within these pages, you’ll also find dermatologists’ tips to help you get

Can a wearable blue-light device clear psoriasis?

A wearable blue-light device differs greatly from the phototherapy treatments that you receive at a hospital or psoriasis treatment center. ... The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a wearable, blue-light device for treating mild psoriasis at home. It offers a gentle treatment that’s easy to use. You

Can a woman treat psoriasis while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Psoriasis can change during pregnancy: Many women find they have less psoriasis during pregnancy. Psoriasis may also stay the same or worsen. ... Yes, it’s possible to treat psoriasis while pregnant or breastfeeding. A woman must avoid some treatments because they can harm her baby. Others can be prescribed. ...

Pityriasis rosea: Diagnosis and treatment

Pityriasis rosea causes a rash that will clear on its own, so most people don’t need treatment. See a board-certified dermatologist if: ... You’re pregnant or think you could be. You’ll need a diagnosis, so you can tell your obstetrician. ... Symptoms are interfering with your everyday life. If itching

Prurigo nodularis: Treatment

How do dermatologists diagnose prurigo nodularis? ... Your dermatologist can often diagnose prurigo nodularis by examining the itchy bumps and patches on your skin. ... If you have more than one skin condition, your dermatologist may need to scrape off a bit of skin or perform a skin biopsy. The

Scleroderma: Diagnosis and treatment

How is scleroderma diagnosed? ... If you have scleroderma, it can take time to get the diagnosis. Scleroderma is rare, and the signs and symptoms are similar to many other diseases. ... Doctors who most commonly diagnose scleroderma are dermatologists and rheumatologists. Dermatologists have expertise in diagnosing diseases that affect

Hives: Diagnosis and treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Sanofi and ... Regeneron . ... Hives can require emergency care ... Go to urgent care or the nearest emergency room if you have any of the following:

Psoriasis: Medications and light therapies

To treat psoriasis, most people apply medication directly to their skin. If you need stronger treatment, your dermatologist may prescribe light treatments or medication that works throughout the body. Find information about the many different psoriasis treatments here. ... Should I treat psoriasis? Treating psoriasis can benefit your body and

Can you get psoriasis if you have skin of color?

Psoriasis on light skin and dark skin: In light skin, psoriasis tends to be red or pink (left). In dark skin, psoriasis often looks violet (right). ... Yes. People of all colors get psoriasis, but there are some differences between what you’ll see on light and dark skin. ... In

Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: Diagnosis & treatment

Think you might have cutaneous T-cell lymphoma? ... See a doctor who has experience with it. You’ll find dermatologists who have experience with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma at ... Find a Dermatologist . Click on "Filters". Select "Any condition" and choose "Cutaneous lymphoma." ... How do dermatologists diagnose cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?

How to treat eczema during pregnancy

The hormones your body creates during pregnancy can cause eczema to develop or worsen. In fact, eczema is the most common skin disease people experience during pregnancy. ... Moisturizing your skin is one of dermatologists’ top recommendations for eczema during pregnancy ... Use a fragrance-free cream or ointment. ... What

Can anything relieve severe atopic dermatitis?

If you're living with severe atopic dermatitis (AD), relief is possible. With help from a board-certified dermatologist, you can get a treatment plan that will help you: ... Follow an effective skin care plan ... Avoid triggers ... Use medication safely ... Find and care for related diseases ... What

When your child needs strong medicine to control eczema

Severe eczema ... When a child has severe eczema, strong medicine may be necessary to get it under control. ... When your child needs strong medicine to control eczema ... Most parents can control a child’s eczema with: ... Baths Moisturizer (eczema friendly) Medicine applied to the skin Trigger management

Skin conditions by the numbers

Acne ... Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. ... 1 ... There are different types of acne (blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, acne cysts or nodules), so a one-size-fits-all approach is not the best way to achieve clearer skin. ...

Eczema treatment: Antihistamines

Help for sleeplessness ... If itchy eczema leaves your child unable to fall asleep or sleep through the night, your dermatologist may recommend an antihistamine, but only for a short time. ... When do dermatologists recommend an antihistamine for a child with eczema? ... Your child’s dermatologist may recommend that

Eczema treatment: Antibiotics and other antimicrobials

Increased risk of infection ... Eczema increases your child’s risk of developing a skin infection, which requires treatment. ... Why do dermatologists prescribe these for children? ... Children who have eczema are prone to skin infections. Often these infections are caused by staph (bacteria) or herpes simplex (virus). ... When

Nummular eczema: Diagnosis and treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Sanofi and ... Regeneron . ... If you have itchy, raised spots or patches on your skin, making an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist can be helpful.

Eczema types: Atopic dermatitis skin care

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Sanofi and ... Regeneron . ... 7 dermatologists’ skin care tips that can relieve symptoms of atopic dermatitis ... 7 eczema skin care tips from dermatologists ... Eczema

Pustular psoriasis: Treatment

Pustular (pus-tyu-lar) psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that causes pus-filled bumps called pustules (pus-tules). Depending on the type of pustular psoriasis you have, the pustules form on your skin, and sometimes inside your mouth or beneath a nail. ... If the pustules cover large areas of your body, you

Kidney disease: 11 ways it can affect your skin

If you have kidney disease, you won’t see early warning signs on your skin. However, as the disease progresses, you may develop one or more of the following: ... Extremely dry skin. Skin can become so dry that it: ... Becomes rough and scaly ... Feels tight and cracks easily

Managing eczema in summertime

Learn how to prevent and treat flare-ups while having warm-weather fun. ... Itchy, uncomfortable eczema can be an unpredictable condition. For some people, the dry, indoor air of winter causes flare-ups. But for others, it’s warmer weather — and the sweating, outdoor allergens, and increased exposure to sunlight — that

How can I treat genital psoriasis?

Genital psoriasis can be treated successfully: You apply most treatments for genital psoriasis directly to the psoriasis. ... If you have psoriasis on or around your genitals, you have genital psoriasis. Many people who have psoriasis will have a flare in this area. Even children get genital psoriasis. As embarrassing as

Psoriasis treatment: Oral retinoids

Unhealthy cholesterol levels can develop while taking an oral retinoid. Adopting some healthy habits, such as eating a healthy diet, can reduce this risk. ... Acitretin is an oral (take by swallowing) retinoid that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved to treat severe psoriasis. It comes from

New study reveals that some children with common form of eczema should also be tested for allergic reactions

Study author highlights test used to differentiate between two types of eczema ROSEMONT, Ill. (September 26, 2023) — Eczema, which is a group of medical conditions that causes inflamed, irritated, and often itchy skin, affects millions of people worldwide. A new article published in the ... Journal of the American

Treatment options for pregnant women living with eczema and psoriasis

Board-certified dermatologist discusses considerations for pregnant women with common skin conditions NEW ORLEANS (March 17, 2023) — Psoriasis and eczema affect men and women differently, with women needing to take extra precautions when considering treatments if they’re planning for pregnancy. A board-certified dermatologist at the American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual

The latest in sun protection

New sunscreens now match a person’s skin tone without leaving a visible white film on the skin BOSTON, MA (March 25, 2022) — Throughout the years, sunscreens have evolved to meet the public’s needs. These innovations have included improved protection from sunburn and skin aging, as well as specific formulas

Psoriasis treatment: Coal tar

Prescribing coal tar: Dermatologists have been prescribing coal tar for more than 100 years to treat psoriasis. ... You’ll find many psoriasis treatments that contain coal tar. Some you can buy without a prescription. Treatments that contain coal tar include solutions that you add to a bath, foams, shampoos, and

Eczema treatment: Topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs) for children

When is this medicine prescribed? ... Your child’s dermatologist may prescribe this medicine when corticosteroids stop working, fail to work, or are not a good option for your child. ... Pronounce: cal-see-neur-in Why do dermatologists prescribe TCIs for eczema? ... When applied to eczema, this medicine can reduce the: ...

How to treat psoriasis at age 65 and beyond

If you have treated your psoriasis the same way for years, see a dermatologist to find out whether it’s time to adjust your treatment. ... Psoriasis is a chronic condition, which means you may treat it for life. As your body changes with age, though, you may need to treat

Vitiligo: Treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... If you have light spots and patches on your skin, getting an accurate diagnosis is important. White spots and patches develop for many reasons.

Is your dry scalp something more serious?

From dandruff to fungal infections, your scalp could be in need of some TLC ... A dry, itchy scalp can prove distracting, painful and—when paired with scabbing or flaking—embarrassing. It may be tempting to take matters into your own hands by scratching or attempting to mask the issue with products,

Acne keloidalis nuchae: Treatment

An accurate diagnosis and proper treatment can prevent acne keloidalis nuchae from worsening and becoming more difficult to treat ... Board-certified dermatologists have the most experience diagnosing and treating this condition. ... How do dermatologists diagnose acne keloidalis nuchae? ... Your dermatologist diagnoses acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) by looking for

3 techniques that can strengthen eczema treatment

Soak and smear ... Child soaks in a tub of plain lukewarm water for up to 20 minutes. ... After the child gets out of the tub, you smear your child’s medicine onto the eczema while the skin is still wet. ... You soak and smear as often as directed

Atopic dermatitis: Treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Sanofi and ... Regeneron . ... Dermatologists recommend moisturizer for everyone who has atopic dermatitis ... Keeping your skin well moisturized helps to prevent cracks and fissures in

Contact dermatitis: Treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Sanofi and ... Regeneron . ... By gathering the right information and studying it, dermatologists have found causes of contact dermatitis that often surprise their patients. Examples include:

Scalp psoriasis: Shampoos, scale softeners, and other treatments

Scalp psoriasis: About 50% of the people who have plaque psoriasis will experience a flare up that causes psoriasis to appear on the scalp. ... There are many treatments for scalp psoriasis. Some people get relief from a medicated shampoo or other treatment that you can buy without a prescription. 

Are triggers causing your psoriasis flare-ups?

If your psoriasis seems to flare for no reason, one or more triggers could be to blame. Everyday things like stress, a bug bite, and cold temperatures can trigger psoriasis. ... Triggers vary from person to person. By finding your triggers and learning how to manage them, you can gain