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268 results for 'sunscreen application'

Sunscreen FAQs

Sun Protection Resource Center ... Looking for information on sunscreen? Visit the Academy's Sun Protection Resource Center. ... Learn more Seeking shade, wearing sun-protective clothing — including a lightweight and long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection — and wearing sunscreen on all skin not covered

How to apply sunscreen

How to apply sunscreen ... Sunscreen can help protect your skin against skin cancer, sunburn, and premature aging. However, it needs to be applied correctly to be effective. To get the protection you need, follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists. ... These five tips from board-certified dermatologists tell you which

Is sunscreen safe?

Is sunscreen safe? ... Sunscreen has been in the news a lot lately. This news has some people wondering whether sunscreen is safe to use. ... Dermatologists understand that you may feel concerned. To help you make informed decisions about your health, you'll find answers to common sunscreen questions that

How to decode sunscreen labels

What to look for in a sunscreen ... Did you know that today’s sunscreens can help prevent sunburns, skin cancer, and premature skin aging, like wrinkles and age spots? Yet with so many sunscreens available, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which sunscreen offers the best protection for

How do I know if I'm using the right sunscreen?

Using the right sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the United States. ... When shopping for sunscreen, your choices can feel overwhelming. You’ll find lotions, sprays, sticks, gels, and creams. You may see SPFs ranging from 8 to 100. With

How to select a sunscreen

Do you know that some sunscreens can prevent sunburn, reduce your risk of getting ... skin cancer , and help prevent early signs of skin aging? This infographic tells you how to choose a sunscreen that does all three. ... How to select a sunscreen ... Do you know that

5 common sunscreen mistakes — and how to avoid them

How to avoid common sunscreen mistakes ... Sunscreen is a vital tool in the fight against skin cancer. However, it needs to be applied correctly in order to protect you from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. To reduce your risk of skin cancer, follow these tips from dermatologists to avoid

Sun protection: Shade, clothing, and sunscreen

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. It's also one of the most preventable cancers. This expert insight from dermatologists tells you how to use shade, clothing, and sunscreen to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. ... Practice Safe Sun To practice safe sun, you need

When to toss your makeup and sunscreen

How often do you replace your makeup and sunscreen? If you wait until you’ve used the entire product, keep reading. Dermatologists say that to protect your health, you sometimes need to toss these products before you empty the container. ... To find out how long you should keep makeup and

Learning and having fun at AAD Camp Discovery

Medical student Dane Markham loved his first time volunteering at Camp Discovery. Dane's story ... Dane Markham, medical student at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. ... I am a medical student at Mayo Clinic and will be applying to dermatology this application cycle. I learned of the opportunity to volunteer at Camp

Shade Structure Grant FAQs

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) can provide you with greater detail about the program and the application process. ... What is the AAD Shade Structure Program? ... The AAD Shade Structure Program provides monetary awards of up to $8,000 for the purchase of a permanent shade structure to schools, day-cares,

Good Skin Knowledge Community Grant FAQs

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) can provide you with greater detail about the program and the application process. ... What is the AAD Good Skin Knowledge Community Grant Program? ... The Good Skin Knowledge Community Grant awards up to $2,000 to not-for-profits and community-based organizations in underserved areas to deliver

Good Skin Knowledge module 7: Sun safety

Objectives ... Time: 1 hour ... Students will be able to… Explain why we need to use caution in the sun regardless of our natural pigment ... Identify two conditions that are a result of sunburns ... Detail how to protect skin and eyes from the sun ... Understand the

Having a mentor helped Kala S. Hurst, DO, become a dermatology resident.

Having a mentor helped Kala S. Hurst, DO, become a dermatology resident. Dr. Hurst's story ... Kala Hurst, DO, University Hospitals/Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Dermatology, PGY-2. ... I applied to the AAD Diversity Mentorship Program, but actually did not receive the award. Instead, I found my mentor, AAD

Confidence redefined: permanent makeup can empower individuals with skin and hair conditions

New study by dermatologists highlights what to look for when considering permanent makeup ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 18, 2024) — Permanent makeup, also called cosmetic tattooing, is a popular form of tattooing that can be used to replace or enhance a person’s makeup application or help them camouflage certain medical conditions.

Good Skin Knowledge module 2: Daily Skin Care

Objectives ... Time: 1 hour ... Students will be able to… Understand the importance of daily handwashing ... Understand why they need to take regular showers ... Know how often to wash their body and face ... Be able to explain the basics of shaving ... Be able to explain

10 skin care secrets for healthier-looking skin

These general skin care tips from dermatologists can benefit just about everyone. ... Apply sunscreen every day before you go outdoors. Sunscreen is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. It really can slow down skin aging. It can also help prevent skin cancer. Look for a

How to use stick and spray sunscreens

How to use stick and spray sunscreens ... It’s important to take precautions when using stick and spray sunscreens to ensure the best protection for you and your family. Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists to safely and adequately apply stick and spray sunscreens. ... Sunscreen is a vital tool

Shade Structure grant eligibility & application

The American Academy of Dermatology's (AAD) Shade Structure Program awards funds to schools, day-cares, parks, and other non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures where children learn and play. Each shade structure award is a maximum of $8,000, which includes the cost for shade structure materials and installation. In addition

Prevent skin cancer

How to prevent skin cancer To prevent skin cancer, you need to protect your skin from the sun year-round. Here’s what dermatologists recommend. ... Infant sun protection: How to keep your baby safe Do you know how to protect your baby’s sensitive skin from the sun? Follow these simple tips

How to select anti-aging skin care products

Dermatologists share their insider tips ... With so many anti-aging products available, it can be difficult to know what to use. ... Shopping for an anti-aging skin care product can feel like a hit-or-miss experience. With so many choices, it can be difficult to know which products to choose. These

Sun protection

Protecting your skin from the sun can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, sunburn, and premature skin aging like age spots, sagging, and wrinkles. If you’ve had skin cancer, sun protection can reduce your risk of getting another skin cancer. ... That’s why dermatologists recommend sun protection for people

Vitiligo discomfort stops with sunscreen use

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... One woman's story about how something so simple could make such a difference ... Because Stella Peecher has fair skin and avoids tanning, her

Wrinkle remedies

Wrinkle remedies: How to reduce the signs of aging ... Reduce the signs of aging by following these tips from dermatologists. ... Reduce the signs of aging by following these tips from dermatologists. ... Wear sunscreen every day. Because the sun’s rays can accelerate signs of aging, use a sunscreen

How to treat sunburn

Dermatologist sunburn tips ... You can get a sunburn after too much unprotected time in the sun — no matter your skin tone. Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists to relieve your sunburn. ... Your skin can burn if it gets too much sun without proper protection from shade, sun-protective

The latest in sun protection

New sunscreens now match a person’s skin tone without leaving a visible white film on the skin BOSTON, MA (March 25, 2022) — Throughout the years, sunscreens have evolved to meet the public’s needs. These innovations have included improved protection from sunburn and skin aging, as well as specific formulas

What to wear to protect your skin from the sun

What to wear to protect your skin from the sun ... Seeking shade, applying sunscreen, and wearing sun-protective clothing go a long way in protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. ... Dermatologists recommend dressing to protect yourself from the sun by wearing these clothes and accessories. ...

Gabeiel’s personal story

I'm Caucasian with light olive skin. I'd had about 10 moles removed over the last five years. All turned out benign. I'm diligent about going to the dermatologist and wearing sunscreen. But since I moved to LA four years ago, I didn't wear sunscreen all over my body all the

Alopecia areata: Self-care

Dermatologists give this sunscreen tip to their patients with hair loss: ... With patchy hair loss like this man has, a spray sunscreen may be easiest to apply. A lotion or cream often works best for bald areas. ... Alopecia areata can affect many areas of your life. These self-care

Jenelle’s personal story

Fair-skinned, light-haired and freckled—I should have been a lot more cautious about the sun. Soaking up the sun simply made me happy. I would lay out by the pool in the summer and travel long distances for warmth in the spring and fall to escape the Chicago chills. I would

Lesley’s personal story

I was a sun goddess, who still recalls my grandfather saying to me, "Let's get brown as a berry." It was the beginning of June and I was soaking up some early summer rays the day before my visit to the dermatologist. I lathered on my 30 SPF sunscreen and

Syd’s personal story

Syd Rosenberg's melanoma ... I grew up in the 60s and 70s when sun tanning was commonplace. For a little extra "golden tan," we often slathered ourselves with baby oil—certainly no sunscreen! ... Back then I tended to tan, not burn, However in my adult years, burning was more common,

Donna’s personal skin cancer story

I am the fairest person alive. I have always avoided the sun. I was never able to sunbathe with my friends while growing up in the 60s and 70s. I was laughed at and made fun of. As I grew older, I hid my skin under my clothes because people

Actinic keratosis: Self-care

Having just one actinic keratosis (AK) means that your skin has been badly damaged by ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun, tanning beds, or both. Once skin becomes this badly damaged, you have a greater risk of developing: ... More actinic keratoses (AKs) ... Skin cancer ... The right self-care

New American Academy of Dermatology survey: increasing number of Americans at risk of skin cancer despite knowing how to protect themselves

Board-certified dermatologist urges public to practice safe sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 30, 2024) — Abby Weiner knew the dangers of unprotected sun exposure long before she was diagnosed with skin cancer. As someone with fair skin and freckles, the 43-year-old mother of three says she has always been diligent about

Brian Saunders' personal story

Brian Saunders ... Having an annual skin exam was a crucial factor in early intervention of my skin cancer. You're never too young to have your skin checked, especially if you tan indoors or outdoors. ... Most of my UV exposure was from tanning beds. There is no safe form

American Academy of Dermatology warns that homemade sunscreens are not proven to be effective and may leave users vulnerable to skin cancer

American Academy of Dermatology Secretary-Treasurer Daniel D. Bennett, MD, FAAD ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 2, 2024) —  While the American Academy of Dermatology is aware of reports of people using homemade sunscreens, research shows that most homemade sunscreens lack effective sun protection, leaving users vulnerable to sunburn, premature skin aging and

Visualizing the importance of healthy sun habits

Medical students Jayci Givens and Joanne Jacob used Good Skin Knowledge to teach healthy skin habits to Girl Scout troops across Houston. Jayci’s and Joanne’s story ... Together over video, the Girl Scout troops put together bracelets with beads that changed colors when exposed to the sun. ... Many of

Mike’s personal story

My father had a melanoma removed at the age of 85. I grew up in the 1960s, when sunscreen was almost non-existent and sunburns were a regular occurrence, so I decided several years ago to start getting annual skin checks. ... My wife first noticed a mole on my back,

Why you need sun protection in the winter

As you bundle up from head to toe to stay warm in the winter cold, you may be tempted to set the sunscreen aside, but experts say sun protection shouldn’t be reserved for warmer months. ... "On a crisp winter morning run, remember that even if the sky looks clear,

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows sun protection during common outdoor activities lacking

Board-certified dermatologist discusses how people can protect themselves from the sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 23, 2023) — Andy Jacobs spent a lot of time playing outdoor sports during his childhood, but infrequently used sun protection. Yet it came as a shock to Jacobs when his dermatologist diagnosed a spot on

Kristin’s personal story for skin cancer awareness

Having lived in California my entire life, I grew up loving the sun! "Everyone looks prettier when they are tan," was a mantra I lived by. And I was "lucky" because I always tanned so easily and never burned. Suntan lotion with SPF 2-4 was enough sunscreen for me, I

Caitlin’s personal story

I went for my first skin check with Dr. Hale when I was about 15 or 16. I am fair skinned, with red hair and freckles, and spent pretty much all of my summers as a kid at the beach or somewhere outside. My mom was ... always very vigilant

Diana’s personal story

I have lived in Florida all of my life and like many spent too much time in the sun tanning, playing tennis, and not wearing sunscreen. All through high school and college, it was my goal to get as dark as possible. Later in my life when my work schedule

Brendle’s personal story

Brendle Howard ... I was 29 years old when I was diagnosed with skin cancer. I will never forget the call I received at work that day. Growing up, I hated my fair skin and freckles! So, when I got to high school, I used the tanning bed occasionally and

Kate’s personal story

Like many people, I love the sun, the beach, and being outdoors. It feels good to lie out and be warmed by the sun and have it tan our skin. As a teen, I never thought basking in the sun and bronzing my skin could be so destructive, so ugly. I'm kicking myself now because I

Lisa’s personal skin cancer story

With the encouragement of my mother, I finally went to a dermatologist. They found two places of concern, so biopsies were done. A couple of weeks later I found out they were they were melanoma. ... I thought skin cancer was something they would just scrape off of me. My

Karen’s personal story

I was on my honeymoon on a beach in Santorini, Greece, applying sunscreen to my face. I felt a lump on my jaw, as I moved downward on my neck, I felt more lumps that felt like frozen peas under my skin. ... I returned home to a dismal diagnosis

Lisa’s personal skin cancer survivor story

I'll admit it—I loved tanning! I loved the feel of the sun, the smell of Hawaiian tropic oils, and the way I looked when I had a tan. From a very young age, my family spent time at the beach during the summer, or at the lake. When I entered

Robyn's personal story

In February 2009, I noticed a mole on my back that had changed from brown to black. I got it checked out and biopsied. ... Three days later my physician called and told me that I had melanoma. He scheduled me with the surgeon to do the excision. ... At

Carol’s personal skin cancer story

I grew up in Las Vegas and was a swimmer before I could walk. I spent most days in the outdoor pool and never used sunscreen because I never got a sun burn, so I didn't think I needed to. I have always had a lot of moles but I

Emily’s personal story

As a teenager, and as far back as I can remember, I enjoyed being in the sun. We would regularly take family trips to the beach, I would regularly lay in the sun with my friends, etc. I generally used sunscreen but usually wasn’t too concerned with reapplying as I

Melissa Padget's personal story

I love the outdoors. I love the sand and surf and could layout at the beach with a good book all day. ... As a young kid, we lived near the beach in south Florida. During that time, you really didn't use sunscreen except maybe a little zinc oxide on

Maria’s personal story

My bad tanning habits began when I was in high school. I used tanning beds at least four times a week, and never applied sunscreen when I sunbathed during the summer. My year round "color" was more important to me than my health, even though I was constantly warned by

Sheri's personal story

I became an unwilling member of the cancer club in 2014. I am of Northern European descent with green eyes and never used a tanning bed, but I have sunburned bad a handful of times in my life. I didn't sit in full sun without an umbrella, but I also

Mary’s personal story

I’m "that girl!" The girl who begged her mom to sign a permission slip so she could use the tanning bed at 16. I’m the girl who would proclaim that "tan fat looks better than white fat" as she would hop into the tanning bed before heading out on summer

Actinic keratosis: Overview

Actinic keratosis ... What is actinic keratosis? Also called solar keratosis, this is a precancerous skin growth caused by the sun or indoor tanning. ... Is it contagious? No ... What is actinic keratosis? ... If you have an actinic keratosis (AK) on your skin, you have one of the

Good skin knowledge is needed every day

Michel Ntiri, SUNY Downstate Health Science University MD Candidate 2024, knows the true importance of Good Skin Knowledge. Michel’s story ... Michel Ntiri, SUNY Downstate Health Science University MD Candidate 2024. ... "It’s important to use sunscreen every day and reapply every two hours." "EVERY DAY? Even on cloudy days

Sara’s personal story

I've grown up your typical Southern California kid. From playing tennis, to beach volleyball, or going on a run with my pup, being outside and soaking up the San Diego sun has been a part of my entire life. A quick spray of that annoying sunscreen, and off I went.

Skin cancer types: Merkel cell carcinoma causes

Who gets Merkel cell carcinoma? ... Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is rare, which makes it harder to study. For this reason, scientists are still not entirely sure what causes it. They have learned a lot, however, by looking at cancer records. ... It’s through cancer records that they discovered the

Melissa’s personal story

I have reddish brown hair and lots of freckles and moles. I never wore sunscreen as a kid unless we went to the beach for the day. Growing up, I thought that people looked better tan. I especially thought that I looked prettier tan. I didn't have the greatest skin

Squamous cell carcinoma: Causes

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Regeneron . ... What causes squamous cell skin cancer? ... People usually develop this skin cancer because ultraviolet (UV) light has badly damaged their skin. Most UV light

Mary’s personal skin cancer story

My story began in February 2009 (well, thinking about it, it really began back in my childhood with all the sunburns I acquired as well as the tanning I became addicted to as a teenager, and then the tanning bed overuse that occurred from the age of 28-38). I grew

AAD Meetings: First-time exhibitor information

Reserve your booth space today and join us for an AAD meeting! ... The American Academy of Dermatology invites you to exhibit at one of our upcoming meetings. Take advantage of meeting with the most dedicated dermatology experts and decision makers from around the world. As an exhibitor at an

How to treat dandruff

How to treat dandruff ... Board-certified dermatologists recommend these tips to help treat dandruff at home. ... Dandruff is a common scalp condition in which small pieces of dry skin flake off of the scalp. If you have dark hair or you’re wearing dark colors, you may notice the flakes

4 skin care tips for your hands

Try these hands-down best tips to care for your digits’ delicate skin ... You use them all day, every day, but are you giving your hands the TLC they need? Much like your face, your hands are exposed to the elements more than the other parts of your body. Plus,

How to treat dandruff

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (Dec. 12, 2023) — Dandruff, a common scalp condition, affects people of all ages, especially in the cold winter months. If you notice small pieces of dry skin flaking from your scalp or persistent itching, it may be time to seek treatment options. ... "It is

How to prevent keloid scars

Board-certified dermatologist shares tips to reduce your risk ROSEMONT, Ill. (Dec. 6, 2023) — Keloids are a type of raised scar that can occur after an injury, and over time they can grow much larger than the wound itself. Although keloids are not dangerous to a person’s health, they can

Participation in mentorship programs is important to becoming a dermatologist

Support of mentors keeps Brittani Remé, MS, motivated to become a dermatologist. Brittani’s story ... Brittani Remé, MS, Kansas City University, DO Candidate 2024. ... I became interested in dermatology after shadowing a dermatologist for a couple of days before medical school. However, my interest peaked in my preclinical coursework,

Working with a local dermatologist to teach sun safety

Bonnie J. Reece, Executive Director of St. Louis Transitional Hope House, was surprised and pleased when the organization received a shade structure grant through the AAD’s Adopt-a-Shade program. Bonnie’s story ... A much needed shade structure brings sun safety to the children at Hope House. ... In May 2017, Hope

Become a Camp Discovery volunteer

Become a Camp Discovery volunteer ... The success of AAD's Camp Discovery depends on dedicated medical staff and counselors who volunteer their time to ensure that the campers are safe, their medical needs are attended to, and have fun! ... Volunteers need to be at least 18 years of age.

Mentorship encourages dream of dermatology

Support and mentorship led to Kandice Bailey, MD, fulfilling her dream of becoming a dermatologist. Dr. Bailey's story ... Kandice C. Bailey, MD ... Growing up, my interest in dermatology came from seeing loved ones and neighbors endure various dermatologic conditions. Our rural community had limited access to any healthcare

Does eczema put my child at risk for infections?

Does eczema put my child at risk for infections? ... Dermatologist Amy Paller, MD, FAAD, talks about two infections common in children who have eczema. ... (A transcription of the video above.) There are two infections that we see quite a bit in our patients with eczema, and they’re both

Shade Structure Grants

The AAD's Shade Structure Grant Program awards grants of up to $8,000 to public schools and non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures for outdoor locations that are not protected from the sun, such as playgrounds, pools, or recreation spaces. In addition to the grant, the AAD also provides a

Support AAD Camp Discovery

Donate to Camp Discovery ... Fun, friendship, and independence are on the top of everyone’s agenda. And, everyone shares in the discovery of what it’s like to be included. Your gift ensures that children with chronic skin conditions will continue to benefit from a week of fun and adventure, while

American Academy of Dermatology’s statement on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s report on environmental impact of currently marketed sunscreens and potential human impacts of changes in sunscreen usage

Statement from Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, president of the American Academy of Dermatology ROSEMONT, Ill. (Aug. 9, 2022) — The American Academy of Dermatology supports the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s recommendation that the U.S. EPA conducts an ecological risk assessment of UV filters to characterize possible

Kids with humor make Camp Discovery fun

Medical student and first time volunteer Creighton Pfau had a great Camp Discovery experience. Creighton’s story ... Creighton loved getting to experience fun summer camp activities with the campers. ... My time at Camp Discovery was a great experience. I learned a lot and got to have fun with the


Each year, the AAD’s  ... Shade Structure Grant Program  receives hundreds of applications from very qualified schools and community non-profits seeking shade over their outdoor areas, but there are a limited number of grants available. Now, you can help extend the reach of this important program while increasing your visibility

Using passion about dermatology to impact community

Therese Anne Limbana is a fourth-year medical student at New York College of Osteopathic Medicine . Therese Anne's story ... Therese Anne Limbana, fourth-year medical student. ... My path to medicine started when I was infected as a child with several dermatologic conditions and tuberculosis. This early experience nurtured my

Digital media kit: AAD advertising standards

Download a PDF of the Advertising Standards . ... The American Academy of Dermatology and AAD Association (collectively, "the Academy")owns or controls a variety of communication outlets, including but not limited to publications, websites, digital newsletters, meeting site signage (banners, buses, billboards et al), etc., and accepts advertising as a

American Academy of Dermatology European Union General Data Protection Regulation Policy

American Academy of Dermatology European Union General Data Protection Regulation Policy ... Scope ... The following sections apply to you if you are an individual located within the European Union ("EU") and your Personal Data is processed in connection with the American Academy of Dermatology communication of activities, benefits and

How to prevent skin cancer

Skin cancer prevention ... Follow these tips to protect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure and reduce your risk of skin cancer. ... Follow these tips to protect your skin from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays and reduce your risk of skin cancer: ... Seek shade when

Practice Safe Sun | American Academy of Dermatology

How to Practice Safe Sun ... The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) encourages you to ... #PracticeSafeSun whenever you're outdoors. When you Practice Safe Sun, you protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Here's why it's important: ... The sun's harmful rays can cause skin cancer. ... Everyone is

Scabies: Diagnosis and treatment

How do dermatologists diagnose scabies? ... A dermatologist can often diagnose scabies by visually examining a patient’s skin from head to toe. ... To make sure that a patient has scabies, a dermatologist may remove some skin. This is painless. Your dermatologist will put the skin on a glass slide

Skin care tips dermatologists use

Skin care tips dermatologists use ... Do you ever wonder what ... skin care tips dermatologists use themselves to maintain healthy skin? ... In this video, dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology share seven skin care tips they recommend to all of their patients—and actually use themselves. ... Board-certified

New American Academy of Dermatology survey reveals most Americans say sun protection is more important now than five years ago, yet many misunderstand how to protect themselves

Dermatologists urge the public to protect themselves from the sun to reduce skin cancer risk ahead of Melanoma Monday (May 2) and Skin Cancer Awareness Month ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 26, 2022) — In a recent survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults, the American Academy of Dermatology found that while

November is National Healthy Skin Month®

What is National Healthy Skin Month? ... The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) designates each November as National Healthy Skin Month ... It’s a time to pay attention to your skin, learn about skin care, and adopt habits that can lead to a lifetime of healthier skin, hair, and nails.

Rosacea skin care tips dermatologists recommend

How to care for your rosacea ... The right rosacea skin care routine can help you feel more comfortable while managing your symptoms. Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists. ... Rosacea often makes skin sensitive and easily irritated, so proper skin care plays a key role in controlling this condition.

5 vitiligo wellness tips from dermatologists

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... Vitiligo wellness tips ... A vitiligo diagnosis can be overwhelming. However, focusing on the areas of vitiligo you can control may help you feel

Melasma: Self-care

4 dermatologist tips to make melasma less noticeable ... If your melasma bothers you, board-certified dermatologists recommend these tips to achieve a more even skin tone. ... 4 ways to make melasma less noticeable ... Melasma is a skin condition that causes darker spots to appear when the cells that

Kimberlee’s personal story

As a kid, I remember getting sunburned every single summer. We used products that would attract a tan—never anything with SPF. One summer, I was burned so badly that I had huge blisters on both of my shoulders. ... When I was a teenager, my friends and I regularly "laid

Tinea versicolor: Tips for managing

If tinea versicolor is mild, you may be able to treat it yourself. There are anti-fungal products that you can buy without a prescription. These include: ... Shampoo that contains selenium sulfide ... Anti-fungal cream or ointment that contains miconazole, clotrimazole, or terbinafine ... When using these products, dermatologists recommend

Epidermolysis bullosa: Tips dermatologists give parents

Dermatologists are committed to improving the quality of life for children who have EB and their parents. One way they do this is by giving parents information to help them care for their child. ... These tips include the following: ... Try to reduce blisters from diapers and clothes with

How to treat a sunburn

Board-certified dermatologist shares 5 tips for Skin Cancer Awareness Month ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 21, 2024)  — Sunburns can be painful and damaging to your skin, while also increasing your risk of skin cancer, the most common cancer in the United States and one of the most preventable. A new survey

Infant sun protection: How parents can keep their baby safe

Infant sun protection: How to keep your baby safe ... Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and it only takes one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence to nearly double a person’s chance of developing melanoma – the most serious form of skin cancer –

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows Gen Z adults at risk for skin cancer due to increasing rates of tanning and burning

Board-certified dermatologist urges sun protection to prevent skin cancer ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 14, 2024)  — A new survey from the American Academy of Dermatology revealed that Generation Z adults, ages 18-26, are at risk for skin cancer due to increasing rates of tanning and burning. To encourage safe sun habits,

How can I find eczema triggers outdoors?

Find out what could be triggering your child's eczema while your child's outdoors. ... Match the possible trigger on the chart below and learn what you can do to help treat flares and avoid outdoor triggers. ...  ... Possible trigger  ...  ... Could be a trigger if...

Skin care on a budget

Skin care on a budget ... When building a skin care routine, it’s important to remember that products don’t need to be expensive to be effective. Adopting a simple, three-step approach that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin can help reduce skin care costs while keeping your skin healthy.

Tips to prevent and treat bug bites

How to prevent and treat bug bites ... Although warm, spring weather means more time outdoors, it also means more bugs – like bees, ticks, and mosquitoes. To help prevent and treat bug bites, follow these tips from dermatologists. ... Although most bug bites are harmless, some can spread dangerous

The power of teaching

Medical student Jessika Sanz, BS, combined her passion for skin care and teaching. Jessika’s story ... The Good Skin Knowledge project truly enhanced my passion for teaching. I enjoyed educating the younger generation on a topic that I knew very little about when I was their age but learned to

Your winter skin survival kit

As temperatures dip, check your products for these skin-saving ingredients ... Cold air outside, hot air inside, and dry air everywhere can disrupt the skin’s barrier in the winter. And that can mean dry, itchy skin for everyone, but especially for those who deal with conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows outdoor workers more at risk for skin cancer than average Americans

Board-certified dermatologist encourages those who work outside to utilize proper sun protection ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 7, 2024) — A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed that outdoor workers — like those who work in construction, landscaping, emergency medical services, and postal delivery —

Five unsafe skin care trends to avoid

Advice from board-certified dermatologists to keep your skin healthy ROSEMONT, Ill. (Nov. 1, 2023) — Social media platforms are rife with skin care advice from a variety of sources, which can make it difficult to know how to approach the recommendations you find online. In recognition of National Healthy Skin

Skin cancer in people of color

People of color ... This term refers to diverse skin colors and includes people of African, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Native American descent. ... People of all colors, including those with brown and black skin, get skin cancer. Even if you never sunburn, you can get skin cancer.

How to prevent skin problems while gardening

How to prevent skin problems while gardening ... Although gardening can be an enjoyable activity for many, it can take a turn for the worse if you injure yourself, come into contact with a poisonous plant, or have an allergic reaction. To prevent skin problems from gardening or yardwork, follow

Acne scars: How to care for your skin after treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Ortho Dermatologics . ... After treating acne scars, gentle skin care is essential ... Your dermatologist will explain how to care for your skin. ... Proper aftercare plays

Sharing Good Skin Knowledge

Medical student Charissa Obeng-Nyarko, MS, knows the importance of educating youth. Charissa’s story ... Charissa Obeng-Nyarko, MS, first-year medical student at Florida State University College of Medicine. ... Growing up, I was rarely exposed to education about my skin health. Access to this information was limited and also not a

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows sun protection lacking in winter

Board-certified dermatologist shares tips to protect your skin from the sun during colder months ROSEMONT (Feb. 6, 2024) — A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey revealed that nearly one in five adults are not aware that you can get sunburned during the winter, and even fewer protect themselves from

How to apply self-tanner

How to apply self-tanner ... These basic tips will help you apply self-tanner so you get even coverage and longer-lasting results. ... These basic tips will help you apply a self-tanner so you get even coverage and longer-lasting results. ... Follow these steps: ... Exfoliate. Use a washcloth to exfoliate

How to fade dark spots in darker skin tones

Have you tried treating dark spots on your own without getting the results you want? Do you see new dark spots appear as others fade? ... If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Darks spots and patches rank as one of the most common reasons that people who have darker

Lupus and your skin: Self-care

How to care for your skin if you have lupus ... While nothing can substitute for an effective treatment agreed upon between a patient and their physician, practicing certain health habits may prevent the condition from worsening and lessen the risk of long-term side effects. ... To help care for

Support international grant

Dermatology care is global and the need is vital. Our members are making an impact in Botswana, Cambodia, and around the world. Take that journey with us. Support or volunteer today. ... Donate to support programs that help ensure the future of the specialty such as international grants Learn more

How to control oily skin

How to control oily skin ... If you have oily skin, the right skin care routine can help reduce shine and breakouts. Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists to control oily skin. ... For more tips on how to help reduce the oil, follow the do's and don'ts below from

How to make melasma less noticeable

Tips from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 12, 2023) — Melasma is a skin condition that causes patches or freckle-like spots on the face that are darker than a person’s natural skin color. Melasma has many causes, including sun exposure, pregnancy, stress, a medical condition, or taking certain medications,

Preventing skin problems

How to test a skin care product Before you add a skin care product to your routine, dermatologists recommend testing it. Here are the steps to follow. ... 12 summer skin problems you can prevent An itchy rash or sunburned skin can quickly sideline summer fun. You can help keep

Edward’s personal story

It kind of surprised me to know there were places on my body that even after 62 years I had never actually seen. At my doctor’s recommendation I scheduled a routine screening. Doctor Kaminska asked if I had noticed anything unusual, and I had not. It was then that my

Laser hair removal: Preparation

Laser hair removal: Be prepared with these facts ... Although laser hair removal is a common treatment, it’s also a serious procedure that involves aiming a powerful laser beam at your hair follicle. Watch this video to gather important information prior to scheduling an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist. ...

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

What is Skin Cancer Awareness Month? ... Occurring every May, Skin Cancer Awareness Month is devoted to shining the spotlight on the most common cancer in the United States — skin cancer. It’s estimated that every day about 9,500 people in the United States are diagnosed with this cancer. ...

Melanoma strikes men harder

Researchers have found yet another way that men and women differ. Melanoma, the most-serious skin cancer, affects the sexes differently. ... Men are more likely to die of melanoma than women. This is true at any age. White adolescent males and young adult men are about twice as likely to

How to care for your baby's skin, hair, and nails

How to care for your baby's skin, hair, and nails ... These five tips from dermatologists can make caring for your baby’s delicate skin, hair, and nails easier and less intimidating. ... Bringing home a new baby is a time of joy and excitement. However, caring for them can be

Dermatologist-recommended skin care for your 20s

Your 20s is an ideal time to start a skin care routine and adopt skin healthy habits. "The skin care choices you make now will affect what your skin looks like in your next decade – and beyond," says board-certified dermatologist Rajani Katta, MD, FAAD. ... 6 skin care practices

Skin care tips for men

Skin care tips for men ... When it comes to skin care, men have traditionally kept it simple. However, more men are now pursuing healthier, younger-looking skin, making it a great time for men to evaluate their skin care routine. To help men develop healthy skin care routines, dermatologists recommend

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows Generation Z adults are unfamiliar with sunburn and tanning risks

Board-certified dermatologist shares her melanoma diagnosis and encourages people to protect themselves from the sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 9, 2023) — A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed that many Generation Z adults, ages 18-25, are unaware of the risks associated with overexposure

Skin cancer types: Merkel cell carcinoma self-care

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is called an aggressive cancer because it can: ... Spread quickly ... Return after treatment ... For these reasons, dermatologists recommend the following self-care for everyone who is diagnosed with MCC. ... Keep all follow-up appointments with your doctors. Your doctors will tell you how often

AAD Awareness campaigns

Taking good care of your skin has many benefits. Good skin care can reduce your risk of developing early signs of skin aging and skin cancer. The right skin care routine can decrease redness, lead to fewer breakouts, and give you healthier-looking skin. ... To help you get trustworthy, accurate

Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia: Self-care

If your dermatologist prescribes medication, get the medication and immediately start treatment ... Waiting allows the hair loss to worsen. ... If you have central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA), dermatologists recommend following these self-care tips. They can help you get the best results from your treatment. ... Fill your prescriptions

Skin care in your 40s and 50s

Skin care in your 40s and 50s ... Wrinkle creams, eye serums, and other anti-aging skin care products can help diminish signs of aging. To create a truly effective anti-aging skin care plan, dermatologists urge you to start with healthy skin care habits. ... Wrinkle creams, eye serums, and other

Melissa’s personal story

I was a 21-year-old nursing student when I was diagnosed with skin cancer. One day I noticed a mole on the top of my foot that I didn't previously remember being there. I watched it over a few months as it changed from a circle into a heart shape. The

American Academy of Dermatology survey shows Gen Z sun protection, tanning knowledge lacking

Board-certified dermatologist shares personal cancer diagnosis and sun protection habits to encourage younger generations like Gen Z to practice safe sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 28, 2022) — A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed that many Generation Z adults, ages 18-25, are not

Keloid scars: Self-care

Dermatologist tips to prevent keloid scars ... Keloids can affect your well-being. Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists to help prevent keloids from forming. ... How to prevent a keloid ... If you have keloid-prone skin, you cannot always prevent a keloid. By taking precautions, you may reduce your risk

Caring for tattooed skin

How to care for tattooed skin ... More and more patients are asking their dermatologists for skin care tips that will keep a tattoo looking its best. Here are some tips from dermatologists for keeping tattooed skin healthy and vibrant. ... More and more patients are asking their dermatologists for

Ellen’s personal story

As a dermatologist and surgeon, I have delivered the diagnosis of skin cancer to thousands of patients—so imagine my shock when I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma—not once but twice!   ... My first diagnosis was in 2006.  A hard, pink pimple appeared on the side of my nose,

What can get rid of age spots?

If you feel that age spots are telling people you’re past your prime, you may be able to fade those spots significantly. Sometimes, you can even get rid of them. ... Before you treat age spots, however, you should know a few facts. These facts can protect your health and

Melasma: Diagnosis and treatment

If you notice uneven color on your face, seeing a dermatologist can help ... Your dermatologist can tell you whether you have melasma or another condition and what may help you see clearer skin. ... How do dermatologists diagnose melasma? ... A dermatologist can often diagnose melasma by looking closely

Isotretinoin FAQs

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Ortho Dermatologics . ... Will isotretinoin cure me? ... Treatment with isotretinoin often results in prolonged clearance of acne, which can be permanent for some patients. A course

Military members more at risk for melanoma

Board-certified dermatologist discusses occupational risks of skin cancer for those who serve SAN DIEGO (March 8, 2024) — U.S. veterans are at a higher risk of developing melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, likely due in part to the occupational hazards associated with active duty in countries

How can I find eczema friendly products?

Kids with eczema have very sensitive skin. Many products that touch their skin can trigger eczema. ... To complicate matters, it can take time for your child’s skin to react. For example, an ingredient in your child’s shampoo could trigger an eczema flare. The flare could occur a few hours

Good Skin Knowledge: Lesson plans and activities

Good Skin Knowledge youth education ... Welcome to the American Academy of Dermatology’s youth education program, Good Skin Knowledge. The goal is to teach young people the facts about common skin, hair, and nail conditions. Misunderstanding can lead to teasing and bullying, which is associated with anxiety and depression. Good

Free skin cancer screenings at a shelter for displaced and unhoused veterans

Stephanie Choi, a medical student at UMass Memorial Medical Center, sought to bring dermatology care to the underserved. Stephanie Choi's story ... Stephanie Choi (medical student) and others from UMass Memorial Dermatology participated in this skin cancer screening event. ... Homelessness is a pervasive and widespread problem in the United

Back acne: How to see clearer skin

Dermatologists recommend wearing sweat-wicking clothes when working out. ... If you have acne on your back—or "bacne" as some people call it—you don’t have to wait for it to clear on its own. Treatment and the right skin care can help you see clearer skin more quickly. ... You may

Vitamin D fact sheet

Vitamin D stats and facts ... The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that healthy adults should obtain an adequate amount of Vitamin D from a diet that includes foods naturally rich in vitamin D and/or foods/beverages fortified with vitamin D. ... Because ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds

Dermatologist tips to treat a deep, painful pimple

Treating deep, painful pimples: Dermatologist tips ... Board-certified dermatologists recommend these tips to care for a deep, painful pimple at home. ... Acne is bothersome, especially when you have a deep, painful pimple. These types of pimples are caused by nodular or cystic acne. Acne nodules and cysts develop deep

Squamous cell carcinoma: Self-care

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Regeneron . ... Seek shade when outdoors ... Protecting your skin from the sun can greatly reduce your risk of getting another skin cancer. ... Once you’ve had

American Academy of Dermatology urges Americans to use sun protection ahead of July 4th weekend

Board-certified dermatologist provides tips to relieve discomfort from sunburns ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 27, 2023) — The July 4th weekend is a time when many Americans will celebrate outdoors at parades, pools and cookouts, but without proper sun protection, they put themselves and their children at risk of getting sunburned, which

What can treat large facial pores?

With the right skin care, you can make pores less noticeable. ... When you look in the mirror, do you feel that your skin would look more attractive if you could shrink those large pores? There’s actually a lot you can do to make pores less noticeable. Much of this,

Could my child have rosacea?

Few children and teens develop rosacea, but it’s worth considering if your child frequently has any of the following: ... Red, irritated eyes ... Styes or pinkeye (especially if your child received treatment) ... Red, swollen eyelids that may itch and can look greasy or crusty ... Long-lasting flushing on

Desi’s personal story

My dad died from melanoma at age 53. He had a black spot on his back that my mom noticed. He died almost exactly three years after he was diagnosed. His mom (my grandmother) had melanoma on her lower leg about 40 years ago. She is still living. My dad's

Gel manicures: Tips for healthy nails

Gel manicures: Tips for healthy nails ... Although gel manicures can be beautiful and long-lasting, they can be tough on nails. Gel manicures can cause nail brittleness, peeling and cracking, and repeated use can increase the risk for skin cancer and premature skin aging on the hands. To keep your

Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar

Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar ... Whenever your skin is injured – whether by accident or from surgery – your body works to repair the wound. As your skin heals, a scar may form, as this is a natural part of the healing process. ... Here are

How Does Your Environment Affect Your Skin?

A dermatologist addresses the skin problems caused by bugs, plants and water creatures BOSTON, MA. (March 25, 2022) — Whether you are hiking in the woods, gardening, or swimming in a lake or ocean, the bugs, plants, and water creatures that you are exposed to can cause irritating skin conditions

Vanessa’s personal story

Vanessa Lattimer and friend ... I grew up in small-town Idaho where life revolves around the great outdoors. Any and all free time my family had was spent pursuing activities outside, and that passion for nature, fresh air, and sunshine will forever be ingrained in my being. I also naturally

New American Academy of Dermatology survey shows most Americans are not concerned about skin cancer, even if they are at risk

Board-certified dermatologists urge the public to practice safe sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 25, 2023) — As an African American female, Ilia Smith didn’t think she would get melanoma. However, after years of tanning and being outdoors, her life changed drastically when she was diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma. While Ilia

Seborrheic dermatitis: Self-care

Are you looking for dermatologists’ tips to treat cradle cap, a type of seborrheic dermatitis that babies get? ... Go to ... How to treat cradle cap . ... If you’re a teenager or adult with seborrheic dermatitis, it’s important to know that skin with seborrheic dermatitis is easily irritated.

Brittany Jackson's personal skin cancer survivor story

Brittany Jackson's Mom ... My mom lost her fight with nodular melanoma on April 17, 2013. She was diagnosed with stage IV nodular melanoma in September 2011. ... She had three surgeries, radiation, and chemo treatments to shrink and remove her tumors. After every treatment and surgery her cancer just

Susan’s personal story

My entire family is affected by skin cancer. At the age of 25, I was told by a dermatologist, it's not if, but when you will test positive. My parents both had malignant melanoma, and it took the life of my dad at 76, despite diligent check ups. His cancer

Colleen’s personal story

I was seven months pregnant and had a mole on my upper left arm that had always been there. But now it itched and when I scratched it, it bled. ... I asked my OB/GYN to remove it and after hesitating, she did. A week later she called and told

Acne: Tips for managing

6 skin care habits that can clear acne ... If you’re treating your acne but still seeing breakouts, it can be frustrating. Acne has many causes, and treatment looks different for everyone. Fortunately, there are some self-care steps you can take at home to help manage your acne during treatment.

Debbie’s personal story

Mark Mulqueen ... This is a picture of my brother being taken for his first ride on his brand new Harley he purchased three months before he passed away. He is in the middle in the urn. He just wanted to ride his new bike that had only 3 miles

How to care for your skin during and after radiation therapy

How to care for your skin during radiation therapy ... Radiation therapy plays an important role in treating cancer. However, it can also produce some uncomfortable or even painful side effects on the skin, such as itchiness, redness, blistering, and peeling. ... To take care of your skin during radiation

Declare your independence from skin cancer: perform a skin self-exam this 4th of July

Board-certified dermatologist discusses importance of preventive health measures in recognition of UV Awareness Month ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 25, 2024) — Brian Ingham was only 32 years old when a board-certified dermatologist discovered melanoma on his back during a routine visit to get a tattoo removed in late 2023. The Washington,

Pityriasis rosea: Tips for managing

Care warning ... Never apply a product that fights fungus, controls tinea, or treats candida to your rash, as these can worsen pityriasis rosea. ... While the rash will go away on its own without treatment, self-care can help you feel more comfortable while you have the rash. Here’s what

Tatiana’s personal story

I want to tell my story after I saw the "stop tanning" public service announcement on TV. I do not want somebody to make the same mistake I did. ... I believe I developed melanoma after going to a tanning salon. Previously, I never went to the beach and never

Sue’s personal story

I was diagnosed in May 2011 with recurring melanoma. I think I was in denial at first because I didn't really know that much about melanoma. Within two weeks of my diagnosis I was put through several tests and scheduled for surgery on my upper leg. ... I was in

Beth’s personal story

James Veltrop and daughter ... My husband, James V. Veltrop, Jr. passed after a two year battle with malignant melanoma. He had fair skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes. He loved our children so very much. He fought until the very end. ... He grew up in New Mexico,

Grace's personal story

I was diagnosed with stage IIIa melanoma cancer when I was 20 years old. ... I had a wart-looking mole on my left foot and really never thought much of it. I noticed it started growing so I went to my dermatologist (who thought it was a wart) to have

Should I apply my skin care products in a certain order?

Get the most from your skin care products ... Using too many products may irritate the skin, especially if you are using more than one anti-aging product. This often makes the signs of aging more noticeable. The sequence in which you apply your skin care products affects how well the

Retinol or retinoid?

Tips for when to use these skin care powerhouses ... Retinoids and retinol can be found in products stocked up and down most skin care aisles, but do you really understand the difference and how to use each? ... Retinoids are not a fad ... While it may seem like

Treating light spots in brown or black skin

While anyone can develop light spots on their skin, these spots tend to be more noticeable if you have brown or black skin. Areas of lighter ( ... or darker ) skin develop for many reasons. Here’s why you may see one or more lighter areas, and what you can

Dangers of indoor tanning

Indoor Tanning is Out ... ® ... The World Health Organization has declared indoor tanning devices to be cancer-causing agents that are in the same category as tobacco. Studies have found that indoor tanning can increase users' risk of ... developing squamous cell carcinoma by 58% and basal cell carcinoma

Paula’s personal story

My story is that I got a bad feeling about a mole on my upper arm that I've had my entire life. It creeped me out and I didn't know why—it didn't look much different, but sometimes it seemed a little darker. ... I gathered up some round bandages and

Heather’s personal story

I remember looking in the mirror while doing my hair and seeing this dark mole on the left side of my forehead near my hairline. It seemed to have appeared overnight, which I knew it couldn't have. I asked my husband if he had ever noticed it, and he said

Lauren’s personal story for skin cancer awareness

In 2007, at the young age of 22, I remember looking in the mirror and noticing what appeared to be a skin tag. The following week at a routine dermatology appointment, I asked my doctor to please remove the "skin tag" because swim-suit season was coming and I thought it

Is your workout causing your acne?

How to prevent acne caused by workouts ... Working out can cause excessive sweating, as well as a buildup of oil, dirt, and bacteria on your skin — all of which can lead to acne. However, you don’t have to quit exercising in order to see clearer skin. The key

How to treat a deep, painful pimple at home

Acne tips from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 18, 2023) — Acne can be bothersome, especially when you have a deep, painful pimple, which is caused by nodular or cystic acne. Unlike other forms of acne, such as whiteheads or blackheads, acne nodules and cysts develop deep under your

Caring for your skin in menopause

How to care for your skin during menopause ... Menopause, which officially begins one year after your last period, can bring with it some noticeable changes to the skin and hair. However, with the right care, you can lessen these effects. ... To care for your skin during menopause, ...

Largest study of skin cancer prevention in American Indians and Alaskan natives shows UV protection lacking

Use of tanning beds and inadequate sun protection increases skin cancer risk ROSEMONT, Ill. (August 16, 2022) — Ultraviolet (UV) protection from the sun and avoiding indoor tanning play an important role in reducing a person’s risk for skin cancer — the most common cancer in the U.S. and one

Tina’s personal story

I was first diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma right after the birth of my little girl. I was 25 years old. I was sent to Morgantown, West Virginia, for Mohs surgery because the spot was on my head and had spread really big. ... Since then I have had numerous

Michelle's personal story

I am a red-haired, blue-eyed gal. I noticed a perfectly round brown mole, that I had always had, was turning a dark blue color and a bit sore. Right before I turned 40, I had a physical and asked to see a dermatologist. ... The doctor thought I had injured

Mark’s personal story

In September 2007, I noticed a lump in my neck. I felt fine, but went to my GP right away. She took no chances and had a CT scan done within five days, she called me and said you need a neck biopsy ASAP. Again I was feeling fine, but the

American Academy of Dermatology statement on skin cancer misinformation

American Academy of Dermatology President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 4, 2024) —  With the summer drawing to a close, the American Academy of Dermatology has noticed an increase in online and media misinformation regarding skin cancer risk and sun protection. It is critically important for the

SPOT Skin Cancer™ stories

SPOT Skin Cancer™ helps reduce the incidence of skin cancer and save lives by supporting the AAD’s skin cancer education, awareness, and prevention programs and services. ... Learn more about the impact of this initiative by reading the stories below. ... Helping make free skin cancer screenings accessible for all

Skin cancer types: Melanoma self-care after treatment

Find skin cancer early ... The right self-care, which includes skin self-exams, after treatment for melanoma can help you stay healthy. ... If you’ve been treated for melanoma, you may never get another one. Many people don’t, but it’s important to know that you have a higher risk of getting

Basal cell carcinoma: Self-care

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Regeneron . ... Once you’ve had basal cell carcinoma (BCC), you have a higher risk of developing another skin cancer, including melanoma, the most serious skin cancer. ...

Imiquimod: Skin cancer treatment FAQs

Will imiquimod cure me? ... Many patients see actinic keratoses (AKs) and the earliest form of basal cell cancer clear. This medicine also destroys ... genital warts . ... Some patients, however, continue to get new AKs, skin cancers, or genital warts. Imiquimod can destroy a tumor or wart —

How to treat acne

Board-certified dermatologist offers skin care advice to help you get the best results from your acne treatment ROSEMONT, Ill. (November 17, 2022) — Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. As your body’s largest organ, it’s important to take

Moles: Tips for managing

Dermatologists recommend the following to their patients: ... See a mole on your skin that is changing, itching, or bleeding? If you do, immediately make an appointment to see a dermatologist. These are signs that you could have melanoma, the most-serious type of skin cancer. Caught early, melanoma can be

Danielle’s personal story

Last summer, I was enjoying my life as a barely 28-year-old healthy mother of two—a newborn and a 2-year-old. ... I noticed a small spot on the back of my arm that was the size of a freckle. It was flat and nothing that you would think would be concerning.

New survey reveals public confusion about risks of tanning and sunburns

American Academy of Dermatology Survey Shows Large Increase in People Getting Tans and Sunburns in 2021 ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 24, 2022) — A recent American Academy of Dermatology survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults revealed a significant increase in both tanning and number of sunburns in 2021 compared to

Skin reaction from targeted cancer therapy? Tell your doctor.

Are you receiving targeted therapy to treat skin cancer — or any other cancer? If so, dermatologists recommend that you pay close attention to your skin. ... Skin reactions are the most common side effect of targeted therapy. ... What is targeted therapy, exactly? ... When cancer spreads and becomes

Tattoos: 7 unexpected skin reactions and what to do about them

Even if you get inked by a licensed tattoo artist and follow the aftercare, your skin can react in weird and unexpected ways. Some reactions happen immediately. Others take weeks or years to appear. If you’re having a reaction, here’s what may be happening and what you can do. ...

Devon’s personal story

Back in June 2012 I was laying on the beach with a best friend of mine when I spotted a mole. It didn't look that different than the ones around it, but it was different. I had a feeling that I should watch this mole over the next few months.

Can aspirin reduce your risk of getting skin cancer?

Could an aspirin a day keep skin cancer away? While a few studies have reached this conclusion, dermatologists caution that the decision to take this medication is best made by you and your doctor. Here’s why. ... Aspirin has possible side effects ... Taking an aspirin every once and while

7 Rosacea skin care tips

Board-certified dermatologist weighs in ROSEMONT, Ill. (Apr. 9, 2024)  — Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects at least 14 million U.S. adults and commonly appears as a tendency to blush or flush more easily than others. While treatable, symptoms, such as skin thickening and eye problems, can often

Treatment may differ for melanoma on the head or neck

When melanoma, the most serious skin cancer, develops on the head or neck, it can behave differently than on other parts of the body. As a result, you may: ... Have more aggressive treatment ... Require frequent follow-up appointments ... Why melanoma can behave differently on the head or neck

Skin cancer types: Melanoma Causes

What causes melanoma? ... Research indicates that ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun and indoor tanning can: ... Cause melanoma ... Increase the risk of a normal mole turning into melanoma ... How can UV light cause skin cancer? ... UV light is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance). Every time

How to prevent rosacea flare-ups

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness to form across the nose and cheeks. In addition to seeing a board-certified dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment, patients can help control their condition and prevent it from getting worse by identifying and avoiding the things that cause their rosacea

Are triggers causing your psoriasis flare-ups?

If your psoriasis seems to flare for no reason, one or more triggers could be to blame. Everyday things like stress, a bug bite, and cold temperatures can trigger psoriasis. ... Triggers vary from person to person. By finding your triggers and learning how to manage them, you can gain

How your workout can affect your skin

Working out affects skin in good and not-so-good ways. Here is how to protect it while getting fit. ... Working out regularly can help maintain your weight, boost your overall mood and self-esteem, motivate you to eat healthier, and do wonders for your skin. However, not taking the right precautions

Former Rep. Brian Bilbray's and Briana Bilbray's stories

Former Rep. Brian Bilbray speaks out about skin cancer ... Former U.S. Rep. Brian Bilbray and his youngest daughter, Briana, share more than family ties and a love of the outdoors. They both have been diagnosed with skin cancer and are speaking out about it to encourage others to prevent

Brittany’s personal story

Like many 17-year-old girls, I was getting ready for my prom. I had the perfect date and when I chose my long, white dress, I convinced myself that a deep, dark tan would be the perfect accessory. ... To get this tan, I started indoor tanning regularly for prom and

Vitiligo: Overview

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... Vitiligo ... What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is a disease that causes areas of skin to lose color, resulting in spots and patches of lighter

AAD Camp Discovery | Prepare for camp

Getting ready to attend camp encompasses more than just packing your suitcase. Campers are encouraged to come with an open mind and a willingness to meet new friends and try new things. Camp Discovery is a supportive community where lasting friendships and resilience are fostered and strengthened by campers, staff,

Richard's personal story

I have had psoriasis for about 30 years, since my late 20s. One of the treatments is ultraviolet radiation, which, the doctors caution, can increase the risk of skin cancer. But it’s a risk you take to keep your skin at least partially clear. That, along with growing up in

Girls that glow

Good Skin Knowledge led medical student Chrislene Olukoga, BS, to fun and fulfillment. Chrislene's story ... Medical student Chrislene Olukoga, BS, a fourth year medical student at the American University of Antigua, taught the girls to be proud of their skin. ... I am honored that I was able to

How to treat a first-degree, minor burn

How to treat a first-degree, minor burn ... Although first-degree burns are not as serious as higher-degree burns, they can hurt quite a bit and can leave a scar if not properly treated. To treat a first-degree burn at home, follow these tips from dermatologists. ... First-degree burns are very

Irene’s personal story

In January 2010, I watched the segment from the "Doctor Oz" show called "Prevent Skin Cancer" with dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi. I saw two malignant mole photos that looked like one of my moles. That segment convinced me to call and make an appointment with my dermatologist for a skin

How to pick the right moisturizer for your skin

In many parts of the country, winter wreaks havoc on the skin. When the cold, dry air outdoors pairs with the hot, dry heat indoors, Sahara-like conditions ensue. Add to that constant handwashing in hopes of staying healthy from viruses, and it’s a recipe for dry, itchy skin. ... For

11 ways to reduce premature skin aging

Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we cannot do anything about; others we can influence. ... One thing that we cannot change is the natural aging process. It plays a key role. With time, we all get visible lines on our face. It is natural for our

Chemical peels: FAQs

To help you decide whether this treatment is right for you, you should read the following facts.  ... Warning ... The results you see after getting a chemical peel depend largely on the skill of the person performing the peel. To protect your health and get the results you seek,

Support Skin Cancer Screenings

The AAD's ... SPOT Skin Cancer™ initiative is leading the fight against skin cancer. Your support helps reduce the incidence of skin cancer and saves lives by building shade structures, providing free skin cancer screenings, and educating the public on the importance of skin cancer detection and prevention. ... 

Larry’s personal story

I'm a 77-year old, semi-retired graphic designer/photographer who grew up in Southern California and spent my early years living the beach life. Like most of my friends back in the late 50s and 60s, I hung out at the beach every chance I got. Swimming, surfing, and getting tan was

Kerrie's personal story

Growing up, I had a pool in my backyard. I lived in that pool every summer. But living in that pool every summer meant I got blistered sunburns at least once a summer. When I got that blistered sunburn on my shoulders, I would throw on a shirt until it

Providing free skin cancer screenings and advice on sun safety and skin cancer prevention

AAD member Susan Boiko, MD, FAAD, FAAP, volunteered to screen patients during Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Boiko's story ... Susan Boiko, MD, FAAD screens a participant while (right to left) Estela Chami, volunteer Community Health Worker, VCC; and Deysi Merino-Gonzalez and Alla Valdespino, VCC staff, look on. ... I

Bullous pemphigoid: Self-care

If you think a medication may be causing a reaction, contact your dermatologist right away ... Side effects can happen soon after you start taking a medication or weeks to months later. ... Taking good care of yourself at home may help blisters caused by bullous pemphigoid to clear more

12 summer skin problems you can prevent

How to prevent and treat common summer rashes ... Summer means spending more time outdoors. However, the increased exposure to things like sunlight, insects, and poisonous plants can cause some itchy and painful rashes. ... Fortunately, there a few simple steps people can take to avoid unwanted rashes, which can

Camp Discovery is the best week

Eleanor Tung-Hahn, a medical student and volunteer, loved experiencing Camp Discovery for the first time. Eleanor’s story ... Eleanor Tung-Hahn (center right) of Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Bradenton, Florida, with her fellow volunteers. ... The day before Camp Discovery began, we were handed a green folder. Inside

Shauna’s personal story

Shauna Sherboneau's Mom ... In June 2012 I lost my young, 58-year-old mother to melanoma. She was diagnosed in March 2011 with stage IIIc melanoma. Over the course of six months she had four surgeries on her right thigh to remove the melanoma which left her with a huge whole

Megan’s personal skin cancer story

As a Los Angeles-based filmmaker and climber, I have a passion for telling stories and traveling the world. In 2014, I got hit with a dose of perspective—literally. I fell 50 feet climbing in Yosemite, got hit by a car, and then was diagnosed with skin cancer—all in one month.

Kim’s personal story about skin cancer

I vividly remember calling my mom from the dermatologist’s office, in 2002, as I was told there was a lapse in my medical insurance upon checking in, so I contemplated rescheduling. My mom said it didn't matter the cost, I ... needed to get a body check that day. I

Understanding how skin impacts self-image

Good Skin Knowledge helped medical student Erika Malana, BMSc, and Meena Reddy, BS, foster good skin habits for girl scouts. Erika’s and Meena’s story ... The girl scouts were led through fun, interactive activities by Erika Malana, BMSc, M3 at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Meena Reddy,

Learning to meet patients where they are

Christa Slaught, MD, has a life-changing experience through the Resident International Grant Program Dr. Slaught’s story ... Dr. Slaught at Princess Marina Hospital with Principal Registered Nurse Malebogo Ralethaka. ... The month I spent in Botswana was absolutely incredible! Participating in the Resident International Grant Program to care for and

Skin biopsy: Dermatologist-recommended wound care

During a skin biopsy, your dermatologist removes a small sample of skin. If you’ve just had a skin biopsy, proper aftercare is essential. Caring for your wound can prevent infection and other complications. It can also speed up healing and reduce scarring. ... Skin biopsy wound care tips from dermatologists

Adult acne

Why it happens and what you can do for it ... This 25-year-old woman has had acne for years. ... Acne can be particularly frustrating for adults. A treatment that worked so well during our teen years can be useless or even make acne worse. If this happens, you may

Is rosacea causing your red, irritated face?

Know the signs of rosacea ... Rosacea is a common skin condition. Yet, many people are unaware that they have it. Because treatment can reduce the discomfort and prevent rosacea from worsening, it’s helpful to know the signs. ... Flushing and blushing ... Rosacea usually begins with a tendency to

The Academy's impact

Through AAD humanitarian programs, we carry out our commitment to educate the public about healthy skin, hair, and nails in an effort to motivate them to take positive action in improving their quality of life, and in the case of skin cancer, save lives. Additionally, we recognize the importance our

Krissa’s personal story

Last year, August 2011, my boyfriend told me that one of what I thought to be my "cute freckles," seemed a bit abnormal and that I should have my doctor look at it next time I go in for a visit. Only so he'd get off my back about it,

Skin cancer fact sheet

Incidence rates ... Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. ... 1,2 ... Current estimates are that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. ... 3 ... It is estimated that approximately 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer

Skin cancer types: Merkel cell carcinoma overview

Merkel cell carcinoma ... What is Merkel cell carcinoma? A rare skin cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma is often called "aggressive" because it: ... Has a tendency to spread from the skin to another part of the body ... Can return after treatment ... Is Merkel cell carcinoma contagious? No ...

They fight fires, she fights cancer

Margaret Snyder, MD, shares the story of how she got involved screening firefighters with her colleague Christine Kannler, MD, FAAD Dr. Kannler's story ... Christine Kannler, MD, FAAD, of Northeast Dermatology Associates, P.C. ... A dermatologist in Massachusetts is blazing a trail to screen firefighters for skin cancer through the

Embrace your appearance!

Medical student Casey Paul Schukow helps teach local summer camp kids how to appreciate their skin. Casey's story ... Casey Schukow is currently a fourth-year medical student at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MSUCOM). ... "I learned about the dermis today," one of the campers stated after a

What can make my hands look younger?

If age spots, wrinkly skin, or other signs of aging bother you, you can have more youthful-looking hands. Thanks to advances in dermatology, it’s possible to diminish these signs of aging safely and with little or no downtime. ... Age spots ... Many adults develop age spots on their hands.

Scars: Diagnosis and treatment

Why should a dermatologist diagnose what type of scar you have? ... While it may seem obvious that you have a scar, it’s important to have a dermatologist examine it before it’s treated. ... Scars are complex. To treat you safely and effectively, it’s important for the person treating you

Scars: Overview

What exactly is a scar? ... When you injure your skin, your body naturally repairs the damage. How your body repairs this damage depends on how deeply the injury penetrates your skin. ... If the injury damages the top layer of your skin, you’ll likely see new skin when the

Minding the gap

AAD member Travis W. Blalock, MD, FAAD, loved bringing the personal and the professional together through Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™ . ... Dr. Blalock’s story ... I don’t remember exactly how I heard about Skin Cancer, Take a Hike! for the first time — it might have been the

Melanoma fact sheet | AAD

Q. What is melanoma? A. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing cells. Melanoma may appear on the skin suddenly without warning but also can develop within an existing mole. The overall incidence of melanoma continues to rise. ... 1,2 ...

How to care for skin with vitiligo

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips to prevent vitiligo from spreading ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 13, 2023) — Vitiligo is a disease that causes the skin to lose its natural color, resulting in light or white patches of skin. This condition, which affects people of all ages and ethnicities, not only affects patients’ skin,

Managing eczema in summertime

Learn how to prevent and treat flare-ups while having warm-weather fun. ... Itchy, uncomfortable eczema can be an unpredictable condition. For some people, the dry, indoor air of winter causes flare-ups. But for others, it’s warmer weather — and the sweating, outdoor allergens, and increased exposure to sunlight — that

Hiding child’s skin condition with makeup may boost self-esteem

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... If a birthmark or other skin condition causes your child to feel bad, covering it up with makeup may help. That’s what the findings

Rosacea: Treatment

Thanks to research breakthroughs, many made by dermatologists, there are numerous rosacea treatments available today ... A board-certified dermatologist can explain which ones may work best for you. ... How do dermatologists diagnose rosacea? ... A dermatologist diagnoses rosacea by examining your skin and eyes. Because signs of rosacea can

Support Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™

Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™ is a participant-driven fundraising event dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the AAD’s SPOT Skin Cancer™ campaign. Support for this initiative helps build shade structures, provides free skin cancer screenings, and educates the public on the importance of skin cancer detection and prevention. Join

Just diagnosed with rosacea? 8 things you should know

If you’re diagnosed with rosacea, there’s a lot you can do to relieve your discomfort and prevent flare-ups. ... Were you recently diagnosed with rosacea? If so, you may be wondering what to do next. Here are 8 tips that dermatologists give their patients with rosacea to help them control

Is your margarita giving you a rash?

Dermatologist shines a light on the latest research in photocontact dermatitis SAN DIEGO (March 8, 2024) — Sun sensitivity and related skin conditions are often misunderstood. Foods, medications, and skincare products can trigger symptoms like itching, redness, blistering, or burning. One of the most common conditions is photocontact dermatitis, a

Skin conditions that lasers can treat

The future is bright for these cutting-edge treatments, including light therapy. ... When it comes to the use of laser technology in skin care, the future is now. Concepts that were once reserved for science fiction stories have catapulted skin care into a new age. Many of these innovations include

Overview and dermatologist recommendations for acne

What is acne? ... Acne is a skin condition that can cause one or more of the following: ... Blackheads ... Whiteheads ... Pimples ... Acne cysts or nodules (deep, painful breakouts) ... Contagious : No ... Help is available ... Today, virtually everyone who has acne can see clearer

Psoriasis treatment: Cyclosporine

Cyclosporine was first approved to prevent the body from rejecting a transplanted organ. When given to organ-transplant recipients who had psoriasis, patients discovered that the medicine also effectively treated their psoriasis. Since that discovery, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved cyclosporine to treat psoriasis in adults who

Is vitiligo a medical condition?

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... Vitiligo causes the skin to lose its natural color. Because this affects a person’s appearance, many people consider vitiligo a "cosmetic problem." Cosmetic means

Vitiligo: Causes

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... Vitiligo runs in families ... While having a close blood relative with vitiligo increases your risk of developing it, not everyone who has vitiligo

Xeroderma pigmentosum: Rare disease causes an extreme sensitivity to sunlight

Everyone has sun-sensitive skin. It’s the reason we tan and sunburn. It’s why freckles, age spots, and skin cancers appear. ... Some people are born more sun sensitive than others. People who have an extreme sensitivity to sunlight are born with a rare disease known as xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). They

AAD members bring skin cancer screening to underserved Latino farm workers

By Antoanella Calame, MD ... On October 28, 2016, Dr. Maria Bonilla and I drove from San Diego to Calexico to provide ... free skin cancer screenings to migrant farmer workers. The screenings were part of the Mexican consulate’s 14th Annual Farm Workers Health Fair and organized by the Academy.

Melasma: Overview

Melasma ... What is melasma? Melasma is a skin condition that causes patches and spots, usually on the face, which are darker than your natural skin tone. While common, melasma can be mistaken for another skin condition. Board-certified dermatologists have the expertise required to give you an accurate diagnosis and

How to treat minor burns and cuts

Dermatologist shares tips on caring for minor kitchen and holiday accidents ROSEMONT, Ill. (December 6, 2022) — With the holidays upon us, kitchen accidents can become more common as we cook meals for large gatherings of friends and family. In preparation for the holiday season, a board-certified dermatologist from the

Vitiligo: Signs and symptoms

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... Where does vitiligo appear on the body? ... Vitiligo can develop anywhere on a person's skin. When vitiligo begins, the patches usually appear on

Ten skin care habits that can worsen acne

Are you faithfully treating your acne but still seeing new breakouts? Your skin care routine could be to blame. Here you’ll find 10 skin care habits that can worsen acne and dermatologists’ tips to help you change those habits. ... 10 habits to stop ... Try a new acne treatment

Dry skin: Tips for managing

Moisturizer relieves dry skin ... To help heal overly dry skin, apply a cream or ointment when your skin feels dry and take time to gently massage the moisturizer into your skin. ... To help heal overly dry skin, apply a cream or ointment when your skin feels dry and

6 skin biopsy wound care tips from dermatologists

ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 31, 2022) — Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. It is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. As Skin Cancer Awareness Month continues, it’s important to check your skin regularly, and if you notice a spot on

Acne: Diagnosis and treatment

Do you continue to break out even though you’ve tried plenty of acne treatments? Are you convinced that nothing’s going to work, but given time, the acne will clear on its own? ... You don’t have to wait. Board-certified dermatologists are at the forefront of advances in treating acne, so

Jennifer’s personal story

My Melanoma Story: Three Diagnosis in One Year  ... Tanning.  ... Tanning was an addiction to me. I tanned in the summer and since I lived in upstate New York, I wanted to keep a little "glow" in the winter. I got that glow from tanning beds. It was basically

Health and wellness apps dermatologists do and don’t recommend

Question: I found an app that says it can diagnose skin conditions and diseases. Should I trust it? ... Answer: You’ll find several apps like this. None of these apps has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you don’t know how accurate or safe they

How to care for your skin in your 60s and 70s

During our 60s and 70s, skin can feel dry and irritated. This happens for many reasons, including that skin is thinner and loses water more easily. Medications and medical conditions can also play a role. ... There is good news. The right skin care can improve how your skin feels

Lupus and your skin: Treatment

When lupus affects your skin, a dermatologist may be part of your care team ... A board-certified dermatologist has the expertise needed to create a treatment plan that can help manage skin, hair, and nail problems caused by lupus. ... If lupus could be affecting your skin, it’s important to

10 surprising facts about indoor tanning

Is a tanning bed really safer than the sun? Will indoor tanning help your body make all of the vitamin D it needs? Findings from years of scientific studies have answered these and other burning questions about indoor tanning. ... Here are 10 research-backed facts that may surprise you. ...

Skin conditions by the numbers

Acne ... Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. ... 1 ... Acne usually begins in puberty and affects many adolescents and young adults. ... Approximately 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at

Mpox (monkeypox) rash: Dermatologists’ tips for treating your skin

Warning: Beware of products, including natural remedies sold to cure or prevent mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) ... The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the JYNNEOS® vaccine for preventing mpox. It is the only vaccine approved in the U.S. for this purpose. However, you may see other products that

Mandy’s personal story

I’m not a very limber person. I can’t see what happens on my back on a daily basis. It rarely sees the sun, and I’m often surprised that I have a tattoo back there, and it’s been there for about 13 years. So when my spouse told me a few

Jennifer’s personal skin cancer survivor story

My name is Jennifer Kowatch. I am 28 years old. I was diagnosed with (stage IIB) melanoma on September 1, 2009, when I was 24 years old. ... I had been noticing this lump at the top of my back, near my neck, for a while. It didn't really look

Vitiligo: Treatment

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges the support from ... Incyte Dermatology . ... If you have light spots and patches on your skin, getting an accurate diagnosis is important. White spots and patches develop for many reasons.

Hidradenitis suppurativa: Diagnosis and treatment

A dermatologist is often the doctor who diagnoses a patient with hidradenitis suppurativa ... Getting an accurate diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan can help prevent this condition from worsening. ... How do dermatologists diagnose hidradenitis suppurativa? ... Hidradenitis suppurativa can look like other skin conditions, including acne, boils, or

Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: Diagnosis & treatment

Think you might have cutaneous T-cell lymphoma? ... See a doctor who has experience with it. You’ll find dermatologists who have experience with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma at ... Find a Dermatologist . Click on "Filters". Select "Any condition" and choose "Cutaneous lymphoma." ... How do dermatologists diagnose cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?