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Biotin supplementation for hair and nail health: Does it pass the test?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD November 17, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 46 When patients ask me about biotin supplementation for their hair or nails, the usual question is what dose they should take, not whether or not it has any value. High dose over-the-counter biotin supplements (≥ 5 mg/day,

Hair straightening and acute renal injury: The latest data straight up

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD April 3, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 14 The global hair straightener market has experienced significant growth, with a market size of US$ 587.9 million in 2022, projected to be US$ 759.9 million by 2028. (1) I expected the market to already be in the

After 23 years, a syndrome converted me into an eflornithine believer

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD July 12, 2023 Vol. 5, No. 28 I learned that Vaniqa (eflornithine - ... α -difluoromethylornithine [DFMO]) was discontinued. Topical eflornithine was released in 2000 to reduce facial hirsutism. When the drug was released, I recall being fascinated by the premise of its mechanism.

July, 28 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / July 28, 2021 ... OTC hair growth therapies for skin of color patients DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Putting a finger on the diagnosis of Achenbach syndrome Celiac disease: Which skin

February 3, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Feb. 3, 2021 ... How effective are oral hair growth supplements? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Going green — The complexities of the green nail syndrome A practical guide for managing

HAIR grants

The Academy is pleased to announce the 2021 inauguration of the AAD Hair Loss and Alopecia Initiative in Research (HAIR) Grant Program. HAIR research grants will be offered to dermatologists, researchers, and trainees in the United States for the completion of basic, translational, and/or clinical research projects that address gaps

Maximizing knowledge about infantile hemangioma with minimal or arrested growth

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 3, 2017 Areas affected by segmental infantile hemangioma (IH) and IH with minimal or arrested growth (IH-MAG) of the arms (A to E) with correlating arterial supply areas. ... Credit: ... JAAD Knowledge about hemangiomas is proliferating at a rate the compares with the

Taking woolly hair to heart

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD October 27, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 43 Woolly hair (WH) appears as strongly coiled hair — it may be localized or diffuse, with the latter often associated with syndromes affecting the heart, gastrointestinal tract, or central nervous system. ... This commentary will briefly touch

Learning module: Hair loss

Goals and objectives ... The purpose of this module is to help learners develop a clinical approach to the evaluation of hair loss. ... After completing this module, the learner should be able to: ... List common causes of hair loss ... Differentiate sudden and gradual hair loss, and common

Key messages for social media about hair loss

Hair loss ... Many conditions and diseases can result in hair loss, as can improper hair care. ... The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary thinning or baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. ... 1 ... This condition affects an estimated 80 million Americans — 50 million men

Hair repigmentation in frontal fibrosing alopecia

By Warren R. Heymann, MD April 25, 2016 One of the major joys of practicing dermatology is that I’m stumped by something every day. Today an 81 year-old woman complained of months of hair loss along the frontal scalp with some loss of eyebrow hair. She had alopecia, follicular prominence,

Academy brings Hair Loss Awareness Month to the forefront

August was Hair Loss Awareness Month in 2024. The Academy uses awareness months as an opportunity to help spread information about skin, hair, and nail conditions to the public all while positioning board-certified dermatologists as the go-to experts. ... The AAD’s ... Hair Loss Resource Center was a top stop

Finding the right treatments for genetic hair loss

Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent hereditary hair loss from worsening and regrow hair, says board-certified dermatologist. VANCOUVER, BC. (July 21, 2022) — Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss, is the most common form of hair loss in both men and women, affecting millions

Short anagen syndrome: The long and short of it

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Feb. 7, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 6 Have you ever encountered a patient who says that their hair does not grow very much and that they rarely need to cut their hair? I have, and I suppose you have, too. Although considered uncommon, short

Pubic hair grooming: Less means more

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Oct. 14, 2016 It is essential for dermatologists to comprehend current mores that affect our patients’ health. Understanding the trend toward increased genital hair grooming in men and women can help us instruct patients on how to avoid injuries related to hair removal. Indeed, 19-

New treatments for HIV and other STIs provide hope for better quality of life

Dermatologist discusses emerging treatments in LGBTQ+ healthcare SAN DIEGO (March 8, 2024) — LGBTQ+ individuals have unique skin care needs, including concerns about sexually transmitted infections (STI), like HIV, as well as acne and hair growth and removal, especially relating to hormone replacement therapy. With over 14 million U.S. adults

Hair straighteners and the risk of uterine cancer: More studies are necessary to get this straight

By Temitayo Ogunleye, MD, FAAD Nov. 9, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 45 Every time the ... New York Times publishes a dermatology-related article I receive a flurry of text messages from friends and family and messages from patients. The most recent article discussing the ... possible link between the use

Managing hair loss

What has research revealed about the pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia as well as new potential therapeutics? ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, assistant managing editor, September 1, 2021 To those outside the world of dermatology, hair is sometimes perceived to be a cosmetic

Research suggests connection between hair loss in women and other diseases

Board-certified dermatologist discusses common types of hair loss seen in women with darker skin tones NEW ORLEANS (March 17, 2023) — Hair loss in women can be emotionally devastating and may negatively impact quality of life, and new research suggests that it can also be associated with having other common

New AAD research grant focuses on understudied hair disorders

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... Maria K. Hordinsky, MD, chair of the Academy’s Wen Cy Pres Award Workgroup, and Susan C. Taylor, MD, member of the Wen Cy Pres Award Workgroup, highlight a new and significant opportunity for members to

Slivers of skin may diagnose silver hair syndromes

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Jan. 7, 2019 As my hair gets progressively grayer trying to keep up with molecular advances in dermatology, it is refreshing to read how simple tests may help distinguish the rare silver hair syndromes (SHS): Chediak-Higashi (CHS) and Griscelli (GS). ... CHS is an autosomal

6 curly hair tips from dermatologists

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 30, 2022) — As people shed their winter hats in favor of warmer temperatures, letting their hair flow freely, having the right hair care routine is important. According to dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology, people with curly or tightly coiled hair

National healthy skin month: dermatologists provide tips on caring for your skin, hair, and nails

Board-certified dermatologists remind patients that skin, hair, and nail care routines are a key to health ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 25, 2022) — In recognition of National Healthy Skin Month in November, board-certified dermatologists are providing their top tips for caring for your skin, hair, and nails. ... These seven tips

Academy HAIR Grants take off

AAD distributes another round of hair disorder research grants ... Feature ... By Matthew Walsh, Member Communications Specialist, October 1, 2022 Earlier this year, the AAD awarded seven Hair Loss and Alopecia Initiative in Research (HAIR) grants to dermatologists across the country to help fund their research of hair disorders

A plasma cell dyscrasia fable: AESOP and POEMS presenting concurrently

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Sept. 7, 2016 There is a moral to every fable. In this commentary, it is that VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) may have multiple cutaneous manifestations, even in the same patient. ... Rongioletti et al presented the case of a 70 year-old man with an

October 6, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Oct. 6, 2021 ... A review of oral nail growth supplements DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Granular detail on granular parakeratosis Coding guidance on reporting lesion services Implementation of COVID-19 phototherapy

Hair Loss & Hair Restoration Pamphlet

Reassure your patients who are experiencing hair loss with this informative pamphlet that identifies

Tressed to impress: tips for keeping your mane magnificent

6 tips for healthier looking and feeling hair from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (Aug. 13, 2024) — Hair is as unique as its wearer, making care an important aspect in one’s overall health and wellness routine. From understanding your hair type to learning the best shampooing technique (yes, there

Providing relief to a child with rare blood vessel growth

A dermatologist helps a young boy get relief from a painful blood vessel condition. ... Jenna Buswell's story ... Casen Buswell, patient ... My son Casen was born with purple spots on most of his body that left doctors stumped. My husband and I were terrified as he was whisked

Psoriatic alopecia and sebaceous glands: An unfinished symphony

By Warren R. Heymann, MD June 15, 2017 Psoriasis and alopecia after initiation of TNFi. A, Diffuse erythematous pustules on the upper back of patient 1. B, Severe alopecia with mild papules on scalp of patient 4. ... Credit: ... JAAD Every so often, patients with psoriasis would ask me


Slivers of skin may diagnose silver hair syndromes Laboratory testing for syphilitic alopecia: Time to renew old habits? Adjusting the screen door: Developing a rational approach to assessing for thyroid disease in patients with alopecia areata Hairdressers’ dermatologic odyssey: From dye to death prevention Alopecia areata incognita in Cronkhite-Canada syndrome

Mee too: More than just arsenic

By Warren R. Heymann, MD June 11, 2016 Mee’s lines is the eponym for linear leukonychia, presenting as transverse white bands of the nail plate. It is due to interrupted growth of the nail matrix, resulting in parakeratosis of the nail plate. These lesions grow out with the nail and

Preventing hair loss in breast cancer patients is very cool

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 15, 2017 Dramatic change in physical appearance before (A) and 1 month after (B) treatment with paclitaxel and carboplatin. ... Credit: ... JAAD The loss of my late aunt Millie to breast cancer was devastating; it was even harder to bear after learning that

Skin and hair legislation: What’s happening?

Experts offer a primer on what dermatologists should keep their eyes on. ... Feature ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, February 1, 2023 On the heels of the start of the 118th U.S. Congress — which marks the first Republican House-Democratic Senate split in a decade — lawmakers and federal

Doxycycline as prophylaxis for EGFR-induced folliculitis: Is a pound of cure worth an ounce of prevention?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD May 23, 2016 Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibitors (EGFRI) may cause acneiform eruptions that characteristically appear within a few weeks of their administration. These appear in > 50% of cases treated with EGFRI and in up to 100% of those cases treated with cetuximab. The appearance

Platelet rich plasma: Good for whatever ails you?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Jan. 13, 2017 Hair regrowth in ophiasis-type alopecia areata after platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection. Occipital hair loss before treatment (A) and occipital hair regrowth 3 months after administration of PRP at a concentration 3.5 times above baseline (B). ... Credit: ... JAAD Okay, okay, I

Feeling stressed? It can show in your skin, hair, and nails

Board-certified dermatologist provides the latest information on how mind body practices can help skin and hair conditions VANCOUVER, BC. (July 21, 2022) — Stress is a part of life. Whether your stressors are small or large, they can impact both your mental and physical well-being. While we can’t completely remove

Educating our public — Millions tune in to Videos of the Month for your tips on skin, hair, and nails

At the close of 2021, our Videos of the Month received over 21 million lifetime views on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. ... Our Videos of the Month share your tips to help patients manage their skin, hair, and nail conditions at home. Each video, around a minute

AADA President delivers powerful testimony on Medicare payment reform

Congress must pass a permanent Medicare physician payment update that acknowledges the inflationary growth of health care costs while working toward long-term reform, AADA President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, told members of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health when he gave his testimony on May 23. The

Six tips for effective employee performance reviews

Employers use a performance review or appraisal to outline employee job expectations and evaluate how well the employee is meeting those expectations. It is often used to set goals for the upcoming year, with added goals of growth and development. But performance reviews can incite anxiety and apprehension, sometimes for

Leadership competencies

The Academy considers the following competencies important to the success of its governance structure. Residents, members, committee chairpersons, and directors alike should strive for excellence in these general areas. Progressive growth is encouraged with ongoing service to the Academy and at successive levels of seniority. ... Members interested in participating

My fair-weather therapeutic friends for alopecia areata

By Warren R. Heymann, MD April 25, 2017 Type C clinical pattern of alopecia. A, Patchy hair loss on a background of a diffuse hair loss with (B) occipital involvement in an ophiasis-like pattern. C, Biopsy specimen obtained from the vertex of the scalp. Histopathology of vertical sections shows an

Monitoring infantile hemangiomas: What’s the score?

By Howard B. Pride, MD, FAAD Geisinger Medical Center, Department of Dermatology Aug. 11, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 32 Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are common vascular tumors that generally run a self-limited course of rapid growth in the first 2-3 months of life, slow growth for another 4-6 months, and then

Army veteran encourages skin checks following melanoma diagnosis

Dermatologist aids fellow service-member in melanoma diagnosis and treatment. ... Vincent's story ... Vincent Boles, patient ... During my 33 years in the U.S. Army, I learned the importance of examining my skin regularly because of the high exposure to UV rays and radiation during deployments. ... I was diagnosed

New skin healthy issue distributed to members

Skin Healthy , a magazine printed by the AAD and distributed to members for free as a member benefit, recently published a new edition. Skin Healthy positions board-certified dermatologists as the leading experts in issues affecting the skin, hair, and nails. Members can place copies in their waiting rooms, offering

Academy culture and benefits

You’re going to love it here! ... The AAD is proud to work with a supportive staff that creates a purpose-driven and growth-oriented environment that values integrity and fosters creativity. Our management style promotes open communication and collaboration while providing teams with the guidance needed to ensure the success of

Hairdressers’ dermatologic odyssey: From dye to death prevention

... By Warren R. Heymann, MD Dec. 18, 2017 My younger daughter Deborah was destined to be a hair stylist. When she was a camper in the Poconos, I received an urgent call from the staff about her. Assuming the worst, my heart palpitating in fear, all I could

Rapalogs for vascular lesions: Caveat mTOR

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Sept. 21, 2016 Rapalogs are drugs that inhibit the mTOR pathway and include sirolimus (rapamycin), temsirolimus, everolimus, and deforolimus. All are immunosuppressive and have antineoplastic/antiproliferative effects. The mTOR protein is a serine-threonine kinase involved in complex intracellular signaling pathways affecting the key processes of cell

Sirolimus for microcystic lymphatic malformations: Caviar for frog spawn

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Jan. 23, 2017 Recently, our understanding of lymphatic malformations (LMs) has vastly expanded. Genetic advances have focused on the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway allowing the use of mTOR inhibitors for those lesions involved in this pathway. As noted in a previous post (Rapalogs for vascular lesions: Caveat

Laser Hair Reduction Pamphlet

This informative pamphlet positions the dermatologist as the expert in treating unwanted hair.

Educating our public — provides a comprehensive, reliable resource for your patients

Itch, sunburn, COVID toes. You name it. You treat them all. When questions invariably arise about skin, hair, and nails, the public has a trusted, reliable place to find answers on our site for the public. ... In 2021, we tracked more than 52 million pageviews at ... ,

Ready to launch

Academy HAIR Grants enable new research on hair loss and skin of color ... Feature ... By Jan Bowers, Contributing Writer, May 1, 2022 A nearly $1.5 million windfall from a class action lawsuit is enabling intensive, multifaceted research of traditionally understudied aspects of hair disorders afflicting diverse populations and

August 11, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Aug. 11, 2021 ... Topical tofacitinib for alopecia areata affecting facial hair DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Monitoring infantile hemangiomas — What’s the score? Is there an effective treatment for skin

Getting a handle on hirsutism

Dermatologists discuss the latest clinical guidance for managing hirsutism ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, Assistant Managing Editor, February 1, 2022 Far from being simply protein filaments, hair can occupy a central role in a person’s identity, sense of well-being, and overall quality of life. Hirsutism — a condition in

Digital media kit: Consumer advertising

Reach interested consumers searching for information on skin, hair, and nail conditions. Tell them about your products while they are looking for answers to their dermatologic concerns. ... is the most authoritative dermatology website in the world. With more than 3.75M unique visitors and 4.5M total visits monthly,

Diminishing diagnostic cognitive bias: Anchors away

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Sept. 27, 2023 Vol. 5, No. 39 We have all been there, probably daily. You’re an hour behind schedule, and the patient in front of you has a laundry list of complaints demanding that you address them. You shift to autopilot, using your keen

Dermatologists pioneer cutting-edge treatments

Dermatologists are at the forefront of innovative therapies that help patients like Matthew address health problems, transforming their lives. ... Tony and Jamie Riccardi's story ... Matthew Riccardi, patient ... Our son, Matthew, was always a carefree, confident child until one summer we noticed a small patch of hair missing.

PDF of Hair shaft disorders

Trichorrhexis Eyebrows Distal hair shaft Netherton syndrome AR/SPINK5 gene: PT, TN, ichthyosis Hair breakage

This month's news from across the specialty

What's hot ... May 1, 2020 In this monthly column, members of  ... Dermatology World 's Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... EDWARD W. COWEN, MD, MHSc Hair color is a result of melanin pigment produced by melanocytes at the base of the hair

Treating the medical and emotional effects of alopecia

Deirdre's story ... I’ve had alopecia areata — an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss on the scalp and body — for almost 20 years. ... It’s a really unpredictable disease. For some people, alopecia can happen really quickly — they could have a full head of hair one day

Coming full circle (almost): Low dose oral minoxidil for alopecia

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD January 5, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 1 I presume that virtually every dermatologist reading this commentary has recommended topical minoxidil (TM) for their patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and other alopecias (telogen effluvium, alopecia areata [AA], hair shaft abnormalities, and eyebrow hypotrichosis). I recall

Educating the public – Summer meeting coverage

AAD Summer Meeting and dermatologists’ summer skin care tips make the news ... So far, a total of ... 38 news stories covering the ... 2021 AAD Summer Meeting and new dermatologic research impacting patient treatment and care made headlines that have been seen more than 41 million times. ...

Putting the pieces together

Dermatologist hair experts share insights on what may play a role in frontal fibrosing alopecia and central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, Assistant Managing Editor, August 1, 2024 Most dermatologists have likely encountered patients with a scarring alopecia like frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) or central centrifugal

Educating our public — Educating patients through social media

Your patients are all over social media, and every day we educate nearly 300,000 individuals (and counting) on our @AADskin Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram platforms. ... Your patients = our followers ... Your patients are all over social media, and every day we educate nearly 300,000 individuals (and counting) on

Model State Awards

2023 Eligibility Requirements ... To further establish strength and ongoing capacity throughout state societies nationwide, the ... Model State Award looks to ensure that state dermatology societies are operating to their fullest and are best positioned for growth, ongoing success, and ability to impact the specialty. ... To receive the

Educating the public — AAD stories seen over 29 billion times in 2021

2021 was an extremely effective year for our media relations efforts. We encourage the media to educate the public about skin, hair, and nail conditions, with the overarching goal of encouraging the public to seek treatment from licensed dermatologists. ... As a result of our media relations activities, our messages

American Academy of Dermatology: Media resources

The American Academy of Dermatology is pleased to offer reporters a variety of resources to assist with their news-gathering efforts. The Academy’s communications staff can provide reporters with referrals to board-certified dermatologists for interviews, as well as background information about all aspects of skin, hair and nail care and treatment.

April 3, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / April 3, 2024 ... Safety of DEET insect repellent in children: Do the natural alternatives work? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Hair straightening and acute renal injury — The latest data

September 30, 2020

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / September 30, 2020 ... Private equity in dermatology, health care grows DermWorld Insights and Inquiries: New data to recall when considering radiation recall dermatitis Young Physician Focus : Prepping for round

Learning module: Infantile hemangiomas and vascular malformations

The purpose of this module is to help medical students and residents develop a clinical approach to the evaluation and initial management of hemangiomas and vascular anomalies. ... By completing this module, the learner will be able to: ... Describe the growth characteristics, clinical features and possible complications of infantile

Key messages for social media about nails and nail health

Nails ... Our nails often reflect our general state of health. Changes in the nail, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems, including liver and kidney disease, heart and lung conditions, anemia, and diabetes. ... Symptoms that could signal nail problems include changes in color, shape and/or thickness,

Two new skin healthy issues provide valuable information to patients

Two new editions of ... skin healthy magazine were published in 2023. As a member benefit, ... U.S. members receive 50 complimentary copies of each issue of skin healthy, which positions board-certified dermatologists as the leading experts in issues affecting the skin, hair, and nails. Members can place copies in

Supplements and the skin

Are nutritional supplements aimed at skin care helpful, harmful, or simply a placebo for patients? ... Feature ... By Heidi Splete, Contributing Writer, July 1, 2023 Nutritional supplements appeal to many individuals as an alternative or additive treatment for skin and hair ailments, but evidence to support the effectiveness of

Educating the public — 2020 snapshot

In 2020, we pivoted our communications efforts to better respond to the real-time needs of the public brought on by the pandemic. While we shifted our efforts, our goal of positioning dermatologists as the experts — even during unprecedented times — never changed. By adapting our traditional messaging to resonate

Tofacitinib for adolescent alopecia areata: Balancing the risk-benefit ratio

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Jan. 17, 2017 Alopecia areata with patient 4 after 2 months of treatment with 2% tofacitinib in VersaBase cream (A) and after 6 months of treatment with 2% tofacitinib in liposomal base (B). ... Credit: ... JAAD There has been acute interest in utilizing Janus

Nom de plume: Affaire risquée

By Warren R. Heymann, MD ... Dec. 28, 2016 ... Performing laser surgery is risky business for the patient and the laser surgeon. Potential hazards may be due to the beam itself causing ocular or cutaneous injury. Nonbeam hazards may arise from the laser device or its interaction with

December 15, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Dec. 15, 2021 ... Female-pattern hair loss: Effect of bicalutamide on minoxidil-induced hypertrichosis DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Speculating on spicules — Our incomplete knowledge of trichodysplasia spinulosa DermWorld Young Physician

Supplement secrets unveiled: debunking common myths about beauty boosters

Board-certified dermatologist discusses what to consider before taking three common supplements ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 17, 2024) — Nutritional supplements offer a convenient way to easily increase your daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients without making significant lifestyle changes. Despite their growing popularity for achieving thicker hair and better

Your Dermatologist Knows sees more strong performance on social media

Since the Your Dermatologist Knows consumer positioning strategy launch in October of 2022, the Academy’s social media accounts have seen staggering levels of engagement, broadcasting to millions that only a board-certified dermatologist has the experience and expertise necessary to treat skin, hair, and nails. ... The strategy involves a robust

Change is inevitable

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, August 1, 2023 What drives change is often worth considering, and it’s interesting to see where change takes us. Change can occur simply as a byproduct of growth and innovation but can

Videos of the Month earn nearly 100 million media impressions

Since January 2022, the AAD has produced ... six Videos of the Month that teach the public how to care for their skin, hair, and nails. Each video is promoted with a press release urging media outlets to share the videos with their audience. To date, this has generated ...

Asking psoriasis patients to open their mouths and say “Ahhh”

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 5, 2018 Classification based on the pattern of tongue fissures. A, Central longitudinal pattern. B, Central transverse pattern. C, Lateral longitudinal pattern. D, Branching pattern. E, Diffuse pattern. ... Credit: ... JAAD A thorough cutaneous examination includes the hair, nails, and mucous membranes (lips,

New treatments provide more options for people with alopecia areata

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ... article highlights new ways to restore hair ROSEMONT, Ill. (Aug. 15, 2023) — A study published today in a supplement of the ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology titled " ... Alopecia: A New Frontier " reveals that a new

U.S. dermatology workforce trends

Facts at your Fingertips ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, February 1, 2023 Over the last several decades, the dermatology workforce has undergone significant transformations. While recent growth in the number of dermatology residency positions has led to a modest expansion of the workforce (a 1.6% annual increase), dermatologists remain


About SkinSerious ... Dermatologists treat serious diseases, collaborate with other specialists, and transform patients' lives. ... PATIENT & PHYSICIAN STORIES ... Treating a child with severe genetic skin disorder Dermatologist’s care helps child walk again. ... Dermatologists provide lifesaving care at 10,000 feet Two dermatologists treat a man’s heart attack

Your Dermatologist Knows launches with smashing success

In October, the Academy launched ... Your Dermatologist Knows , the new consumer positioning strategy meant to maintain board-certified dermatologists’ position as the undisputed experts in skin, hair, and nails. ... Through the end of November, our content has generated ... 56 million views and 3.4 million engagements across Facebook,

Giving Tuesday

Camp Discovery ... AAD Camp Discovery provides children with chronic skin conditions a sense of community and fun. Campers make friends, find acceptance, and are free to be themselves. Provided at no cost to the families, Camp Discovery offers a one-of-a-kind summer camp experience. ... AAD Camp Discovery ... For

Patient education licensing opportunities

Written and vetted by dermatologists, the AAD's patient education content is accurate, up-to-date, and most importantly easy to understand. ... Choose from more than 60 skin, hair, and nail conditions in a variety of formats — video, print, digital, and infographics. ... Incorporate AAD content from your practice's website and

AADA President delivers powerful testimony on Medicare payment reform

Moving the needle ... By Apoorva Stull, Senior Manager, Advocacy Communications, September 1, 2024 AADA President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, testifies before House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health. ... Congress must pass a permanent Medicare physician payment update that acknowledges the inflationary growth of health care costs while

Teaching young girls about their skin, and STEM

Medical student Christine Li helped Girl Scouts of Central & Western Massachusetts learn about skin, hair, and nails through Good Skin Knowledge Program. Christine's story ... Over the past 6 months, with the support of the AAD, I and other UMass Medical School students were able to teach over 50

Your Dermatologist Knows media wins

If one of your patients has a compelling story about a skin, hair, or nail condition that would resonate with the national media and your patient would be willing to share their personal story with reporters, ... please ask them to fill out this patient consent form , which you

Striving to alleviate the physical and emotional scars of central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia

By Warren R. Heymann, MD November 4, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 44 More than half a century ago, Drs. Lopresti, Papa, and Kligman coined the term "hot comb alopecia," asserting: "The cause is unmistakable, namely the practice of straightening the hair with a hot comb…" (1). Now known as central

Does he or doesn’t he? Only his oncologist knows for sure!

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 17, 2017 Repigmented hair overlying melanoma in situ of scalp. Slowly darkening patch of previously white hair on superior scalp. ... Credit: ... JAAD I’m racking my brain wondering if I have ever seen a case of idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma (IFAG) — I

September 14, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 14, 2022 ... Real-world methotrexate use in pediatric patients with plaque psoriasis DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : The ever-changing world of nevus sebaceus New anti-wrinkle injection receives FDA approval FDA

July 19, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / July 19, 2023 ... Use of hair oils to treat androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : The intimate dance of Staphylococcus aureus and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Imiquimod for management of

January 5, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 5, 2022 ... Cicatricial alopecia following ACD from hair dye DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Coming full circle (almost) — Low dose oral minoxidil for alopecia FDA approves atopic dermatitis

Anterolateral leg alopecia: An example of a new dermatologic statistic — seen but unrecognized

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 4, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 9 Aside from my family, my two greatest passions in life are dermatology and baseball. There is an infinite amount to learn in each discipline — for wisdom in each I turn to Bill James (two different people). Most

Bank of America - Practice Solutions

When you need financing for your dermatology practice, you want to work with someone who understands your industry. For over 25 years, Bank of America Practice Solutions has helped dermatologists across the nation reach their goals through smart financial solutions ... 1 ... and expert guidance. Whether you own a

This month’s news from across the specialty

What’s hot ... September 1, 2024 In this monthly column, members of the  ... DermWorld Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... Bryan Carroll, MD, PhD, FAAD A novel genetic study that maps mutations in successive stages of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) in mice

November 17, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Nov. 17, 2021 ... Intralesional acyclovir for cutaneous warts DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Biotin supplementation for hair and nail health — Does it pass the test? DermWorld Young Physician Focus

Educating the public – Videos of the month

And…action! AAD Videos of the Month reach the public wherever they are ... Every month we debut a new Video of the Month on our YouTube channel to help subscribers/viewers manage skin, hair, and nail conditions at home — positioning dermatologists as the skin, hair, and nail experts and providing

Messaging and guidance for PR

Through its media relations and public education efforts, the Academy encourages the public to care for their skin, hair, and nails and see a board-certified dermatologist when appropriate. In addition, it provides members with the tools they need to communicate the Academy’s messages to their patients, policymakers, communities, and local

June 26, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 26, 2024 ... Finasteride vs. minoxidil for female pattern hair loss DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Pathway to reducing medical errors Cutaneous drug reactions to psychedelics and hallucinogens Trichophyton indotineae

AADA President delivers powerful testimony at congressional hearing on Medicare payment reform

May 23, 2024 Advocacy News Alert AADA President delivers powerful testimony at congressional hearing on Medicare payment reform ... Congress must pass a permanent Medicare physician payment update that acknowledges the inflationary growth of health care costs while working towards long-term reform, AADA President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, told

August 30, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 30, 2023 ... Does low-dose oral minoxidil improve hair density in traction alopecia? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : A medal-worthy diagnosis: Medallion-like dermal dendrocyte hamartoma Methotrexate: Drug survival and predicative

September 11, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / September 11, 2024 ... Safety of low-dose oral minoxidil for hair loss in patients receiving antihypertensive medications DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Atopic dermatitis hide and seek — The impending role

Your new Skin of Color Curriculum is here

The AAD Learning Center is one of the Academy’s top member benefits and one of the newest online resources is the ... Skin of Color Curriculum . ... A host of expert dermatologists in all subspecialties contributed to making the Skin of Color Curriculum a complete and definitive in-patient and

September 20, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 20, 2023 ... Reliable, rapid identification of terbinafine resistance in dermatophytic nail and skin infections DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Can tocilizumab deep six recalcitrant morphea? Trends in hair, skin,

Your Dermatologist Knows see major traditional media successes

As the success of Your Dermatologist Knows continues into its third year, so too do the efforts of the Academy’s media relations team to spread the word about the knowledge and expertise that only a board-certified dermatologist has on skin, hair, and nail conditions. ... This summer, the Academy successfully

August 15

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 15, 2018 ... The good, the bad, and the unknown in CMS E/M proposals DataDerm™: Better your practice, better the specialty AAD Election call for nominations FDA approves new drug

Improving insomnia by increasing the diagnostic accuracy of desmoplastic melanomas

By Warren R. Heymann, MD May 21, 2016 Desmoplastic melanomas (DM) may only represent up to 4% of melanomas, however, they are responsible for 50% my insomniac nights. It is easy to lose sleep worrying if that the slightly indurated lesion that I reassured the patient was a "scar," or

January 3, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 3, 2024 ... Efficacy of minoxidil for cancer treatment–induced hair loss DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Malignant syphilis — History in the making Most effective medications for plaque psoriasis Cardiovascular,

December 14, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Dec. 14, 2022 ... Are nutritional supplements effective for hair loss? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : A Frank discussion about earlobe creases DermWorld Young Physician Focus : Zoonotic dermatoses – When

Become an Academy Social Media Correspondent

As part of the Academy’s ongoing Your Dermatologist Knows ... specialty positioning strategy, the Academy is seeking a new group of members to serve as Social Media Correspondents. In this role, you’d be the face of our mission to show the public that board-certified dermatologists are the skin, hair, and

Join the Media Expert Team

The Academy provides journalists with referrals to members of the Media Expert Team, who participate in interviews to educate the public about skin, hair, and nails. Join the Media Expert Team to help raise the visibility of the specialty and the range of services that dermatologists provide, and to receive

About the Academy

Headquartered in Rosemont, Illinois, the American Academy of Dermatology, founded in 1938, is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. ... With a membership of more than 20,500 physicians worldwide, the AAD is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of the

Choosing the right telehealth platform

During the Public Health Emergency (PHE), the government relaxed many restrictions on telehealth services. This led to significant growth among telehealth vendors, and some now offer mobile applications designed to facilitate easier communication between dermatologists and their patients for diagnosis reviews and treatment planning. These telehealth apps can be downloaded

Educating the public — AAD launches Darker Skin Tones Hub

Dermatologists know that a "one-size-fits-all" approach is not an effective way to treat conditions affecting skin, hair, and nails. In particular, some skin diseases present differently or more frequently in people with darker skin tones, which could also require different treatment regimens. ... The American Academy of Dermatology launched the

Implementing the right type of solo practice: From an expert

Interview with Julie A. Hodge, MD, MPH Have you always been a solo practitioner? No, I actually began as part of a group dermatology practice. At the time, there was rapid growth in group HMOs, and we got nervous about competing. We went through the process of becoming a foundation

skin healthy magazine is committed to patient education

The biannual magazine featured over two dozen articles in 2022. The Academy provided U.S. members with more than 50 copies each of the two complimentary issues of ... skin healthy magazine — which provides expert editorial content on common conditions affecting the skin, hair, and nails and the most up-to-date

Platform vendor transition FAQs

After careful consideration, extensive research and in response to your valuable feedback, the AAD has selected PA Consulting as our new technology partner to develop an AAD owned platform for the DataDerm clinical data registry, replacing MRO (formerly FIGmd) as our current platform vendor. See the FAQs below to learn

Melanoma fact sheet | AAD

Q. What is melanoma? A. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing cells. Melanoma may appear on the skin suddenly without warning but also can develop within an existing mole. The overall incidence of melanoma continues to rise. ... 1,2 ...

October 19, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Oct. 19, 2022 ... Safety of minoxidil for hair disorders in pediatric patients DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Telangiectasias: When is it TEMPI time? DermWorld Young Physician Focus : Revisiting physician

The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) 

The ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) is the official scholarly publication of the American Academy of Dermatology. Known popularly as "The Blue Journal," ... JAAD’s mission is focused on "Helping dermatologists improve patient outcomes." ... About ... JAAD JAAD  receives more than 3,000 manuscripts annually and

2021: Best of DermWorld Insights and Inquiries

December 30, 2021 We know how much you enjoy Dr. Heymann and the editorial board’s weekly analyses of dermatologic literature, so we’ve created a list of the top 10 most popular issues in 2021 — starting with the most popular issue of the year. ... 1. Biotin supplementation for hair

Your Dermatologist Knows continues to show strong results

Launched in October 2022, the ... Your Dermatologist Knows consumer positioning strategy has been successful in its effort to share messages that position board-certified dermatologists as the go-to experts for conditions affecting skin, hair, and nails. The strategy take a multi-channel approach to share messages across platforms. ... As of

Showcase of Your Dermatologist Knows Social Media

Social media is a core component of the Academy’s Your Dermatologist Knows strategy. Working with specially selected social media correspondents, we publish content across social media platforms that have an audience of millions. Our posts all share the message that a board-certified dermatologist is the go-to expert for skin, hair,

Community outreach toolkit: Good Skin Knowledge

What is this program? ... Good Skin Knowledge is the American Academy of Dermatology’s youth education program. The goal is to teach school-age and young teens, ages 8-13, the facts about common skin, hair, and nail conditions. Misunderstanding can lead to teasing and bullying, which is associated with anxiety and

The ever-changing world of nevus sebaceus

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Sept. 14, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 37 The aphorism in medical education that half of what you learn in medical school will prove to be wrong could use the nevus sebaceus (sebaceous) of Jadassohn as its poster child. ... First described by Jadassohn in

Alopecia areata and mental health

Alopecia areata patients are more likely than other individuals to have mental health conditions, including anxiety and mood disorders. ... Alopecia areata and mental health ... Click to view and download the infographic. ... Download Sources More information Hair loss Help and Chat

Alopecia areata has far-reaching effects

In addition to having a negative impact on a patient's quality of life, alopecia areata (AA) can impact the whole family. ... Alopecia areata has far reaching effects ... Click to view and download the infographic. ... Download Sources: More information: Hair loss treatment Help and Chat

Impact Report — Summer 2022

Hello, members! It’s time once again for the Academy’s Impact Report to reveal its latest advocacy and patient education activities and remind you of your meaningful member benefits. ... Read the latest on how we are advocating for you on Capitol Hill and state houses to protect your patients and

Xylazine (“Tranq”): The potential for loss of life and limb

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Dec. 7, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 48 The U.S. overdose crisis continues its exponential growth, although the landscape of responsible substances has changed over the past two decades — cocaine (2000-2006) to prescription opioids (2007-2013), heroin (2014-2015), and illicitly-manufactured fentanyl (2016-present). (1) ... Xylazine

This month's news from across the specialty

What's hot ... February 1, 2022 In this monthly column, members of the  ... DermWorld Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... Craig Burkhart, MD, MPH, MSBS, FAAD Food portion sizes are getting bigger and so are Americans. Obesity is associated with many dermatologic diseases

Caring for incarcerated individuals

An inside look at dermatology care within the prison system ... Feature ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, June 1, 2022 Nearly two million people are currently incarcerated in the United States — more than the rate of any other nation in the world at 573 per 100,000 residents. Despite

SkinSerious stories

Learn how board-certified dermatologists have helped patients with serious skin disease and collaborated with other doctors to enhance patient care. ... Treating a child with severe genetic skin disorder Dermatologist’s care helps child walk again. (Anna Riley, patient; Britt Craiglow, MD, FAAD) ... Dermatologists provide lifesaving care at 10,000 feet

November 9, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Nov. 9, 2022 ... Intralesional vs. intramuscular hepatitis B vaccine for common warts DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Hair straighteners and the risk of uterine cancer — More studies are necessary

How to treat dandruff

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (Dec. 12, 2023) — Dandruff, a common scalp condition, affects people of all ages, especially in the cold winter months. If you notice small pieces of dry skin flaking from your scalp or persistent itching, it may be time to seek treatment options. ... "It is

How to prevent razor bumps

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 4, 2022) — There are many ways to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair, but shaving with a razor is one of the most common and inexpensive methods. Unfortunately, using a razor sometimes can lead to razor bumps, also called shaving

Advances in dermatopathology

Dermatopathologists discuss the latest trends and developments in dermpath. ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, Assistant Managing Editor, November 1, 2023 The field of dermatopathology is experiencing much growth and change. From how to use PRAME to aid in determining whether a lesion may be malignant, to digitizing glass slides

Oral minoxidil: A new use for an old drug?

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, September 1, 2021 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, talks with Antonella Tosti, MD, about

Yale dermatologist uses innovative treatment to treat child with severe alopecia

American Academy of Dermatology honors Dr. Brett King as National "Patient Care Hero" ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 18, 2022) - Connecticut board-certified dermatologist Brett King MD, PhD, FAAD, was named an American Academy of Dermatology ... Patient Care Hero for pioneering an innovative new treatment for severe dermatologic conditions that are

Early diagnosis catches scarring condition

A dermatologist’s quick action helps a patient with alopecia regain her confidence. ... Julie's story ... Julie Wright, patient ... Like a lot of parents, my two kids keep me very busy, so I put taking care of myself on the back burner. However, I knew I needed to take

August 28

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 28, 2019 ... Dupilumab shows positive results for younger atopic dermatitis patients DW Insights and Inquiries : Finding joy in pediatric phototherapy FDA, UMD seek feedback on compounded drug use

PDF of BSD Hair and nails

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY SKIN DISEASE BRIEFS Hair and nail disorders by the numbers Hair and

Media contacts

The American Academy of Dermatology is pleased to offer reporters a variety of resources to assist with their news-gathering efforts.The Academy’s public relations staff members provide reporters with referrals to board-certified dermatologists for interviews, as well as background information about all aspects of skin, hair and nail care and treatment. 

June 23, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 23, 2021 ... Subcutaneous vs. oral methotrexate for psoriasis patients DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Dermatology and dermatopathology awake — now is the time to embrace the AI revolution Young

Suggested dermatology topics by month

At the beginning of every month, consider "pitching" your expertise as a board-certified dermatologist to your local media by sharing a timely story idea that will help educate their audiences. Advocating for our specialty by consistently contributing to the public perception of dermatologists as the leading experts in skin, hair,

Vascular abnormalities in FFA, artificial intelligence, and Winston Churchill

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Aug. 23, 2023 Vol. 5, No. 34 If Winston Churchill were a dermatologist, he would say that frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" (which is how he viewed Russia). Almost 30 years have passed since Kossard

May 19, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / May 19, 2021 ... Differentiating early squamous cell carcinoma from actinic keratosis DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Epidemic of melanoma or epidemic of scrutiny? AAD Board selects Keyvan Nouri, MD, MBA,

September 6, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 6, 2023 ... Chemoprevention of keratinocyte carcinoma with imiquimod, 5-FU, and tretinoin DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Paraneoplastic Merkel cell carcinoma: Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt Vitiligo patients

March 31, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / March 31, 2021 ... Studies show skin rashes are highly predictive of positive COVID-19 results DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Netherton syndrome — From apex to nether New AAD research grant

San Francisco dermatologist advances innovative treatment on FDA committee

American Academy of Dermatology honors Dr. Kenneth Katz as National "Patient Care Hero" ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 11, 2022) - San Francisco board-certified dermatologist Kenneth Katz, MD, MSc, MSCE, FAAD, was named an American Academy of Dermatology ... Patient Care Hero for his work leading a national advisory committee at the

January 25, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 25, 2023 ... Is topical spironolactone effective for acne? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : The ironclad promise of ferroptosis Topical lidocaine-prilocaine vs. ice packs for laser hair removal Efficacy of

Expert dermatologists present latest information at 2022 AAD Annual Meeting

ROSEMONT, Ill. (March 23, 2022) — The 2022 American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting is back. The meeting will take place March 25-29 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston. The meeting will feature 300 educational sessions on the latest information on skin, hair and nails, presented by

Dermatologists educate the public and media during National Healthy Skin Month

The AAD’s National Healthy Skin Month key messages highlighting dermatologists as the skin health experts were seen 2.6 billion times across the country. ... AAD worked alongside dermatologists, the media, and members of Congress to amplify key messages on dermatologist-approved tips for healthy skin, remind the public that skinhealth can

New skin healthy touts your expertise

The Academy published a new issue of ... skin healthy this summer. Members receive 50 free issues of ... skin healthy and can place them in their waiting rooms and around their offices. ... Each issue of ... skin healthy features articles that directly quote members, so your patients receive

September 22, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 22, 2021 ... What treatment is most effective for refractory spontaneous urticaria? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Following up on "A Trend I Cannot Endorse" DermWorld Young Physician Focus :

Educating our public — You helped us tell the public why they should #ChooseADermatologist

In the fall of last year, we launched our #ChooseADermatologist campaign, which gave you access to resources and tools to share with patients on your social media channels. By showing your patients and the public why you are the skin, hair, and nail experts, you educated the public one post

Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, assumes presidency of the American Academy of Dermatology

BOSTON (March 25, 2022) — At the close of the American Academy of Dermatology’s (AAD) Annual Meeting, board-certified dermatologist Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, will begin his one-year term as president of the AAD. ... As president, Dr. Kaufmann will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,500

Terrence A. Cronin Jr., MD, FAAD, assumes presidency of the American Academy of Dermatology

New Orleans (March 17, 2023) – Board-certified dermatologist Terrence A. Cronin Jr., MD, FAAD, will begin his one-year term as president of the American Academy of Dermatology at the close of the Academy’s Annual Meeting. ... Dr. Cronin will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society that represents more than 20,800

October 27, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Oct. 27, 2021 ... COVID-19 and nails: A review of clinical findings DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Taking woolly hair to heart Derm Coding Consult : CMS revises Advance Beneficiary Notice

Murad Alam, MD, FAAD, elected American Academy of Dermatology president for 2026

Rosemont, Ill. (April 1, 2024) – Chicago-based board-certified dermatologist Murad Alam, MD, FAAD, has been elected to lead the American Academy of Dermatology. He will be installed as president-elect in March 2025 and hold the office of president for one year beginning in March 2026. ... As president, Dr. Alam

Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD, elected American Academy of Dermatology president for 2025

Rosemont, Ill. (April 10, 2023) – Philadelphia-based board-certified dermatologist Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD, has been elected to lead the American Academy of Dermatology. She will be installed as President-elect in March 2024 and hold the office of President for one year beginning in March 2025. ... As president, Dr.

Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, elected American Academy of Dermatology president for 2024

ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 18, 2022) — Texas-based board-certified dermatologist Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, has been elected to lead the American Academy of Dermatology. He will be installed as president-elect in March 2023 and hold the office of president for one year beginning in March 2024. ... As president, Dr.

Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, assumes presidency of The American Academy of Dermatology

SAN DIEGO (March 8, 2024 )  ... — Dallas-based board-certified dermatologist Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, will begin his one-year term as president of the American Academy of Dermatology at the close of the AAD’s Annual Meeting. ... Dr. Desai will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society that represents nearly

Educating our public — skin healthy: educating your patients in waiting rooms and on the go

The AAD’s ... skin healthy, a print and digital magazine featuring your expert insight, made its debut in 2020. Last year, the Academy disseminated over 950,000 issues to dermatology offices across the country, which helped educate patients about common skin conditions that dermatologists treat and offered your recommendations for protecting

Download the AAD Fellow or International Fellow designation

Your expertise and skills as a board-certified dermatologist are life-changing for patients impacted by skin, hair, and nail conditions. Make sure your patients and the public know the profound difference in the advanced training for dermatologists versus others claiming to be "skin experts." ... Download the designation ... Accept terms

Public health programs

Public health programs ... Many dermatologists offer their time, expertise and financial resources to help enrich the lives of people throughout the world. Their efforts make a difference for children and adults with skin, hair and nail disorders, many of which are life-threatening and impact patients’ quality of life. ...

PDF for Clinical pearls on Platelet-rich plasma for alopecia

Nguyen, BS, is a hair loss growth with PRP. 1.

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Your Dermatologist Knows by selecting from the frequently asked questions below. ... What is Your Dermatologist Knows? ... Your Dermatologist Knows is the tagline for the Academy’s new comprehensive consumer positioning strategy. The strategy’s goal is to advocate for our members and contribute to a consistent positive

American Academy of Dermatology installs new officers, board members

New Orleans (March 17, 2023) – Three new officers and four new board members will be installed immediately upon conclusion of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, the world’s largest dermatologic society. The officers and board members are all board-certified dermatologists and members of the AAD,

2021 DW Insights and Inquiries archive

Explore ... DermWorld Insights and Inquiries articles by publication date. ... December ... Dec. 29 - 2021: Best of DermWorld Insights and Inquiries Dec. 22 - DWI&I Holiday Greeting 2021 Dec. 15 - Speculating on spicules: Our incomplete knowledge of trichodysplasia spinulosa Dec. 8 - Propranolol and neutrophilic dermatoses: Can

Tips for interviews

Media interviews provide an excellent opportunity for you to educate the public about the importance of skin, hair and nail health. No matter who the reporter is (i.e., local or national) or how the interview is conducted (i.e., in person, by phone or over email), keep the following tips in

American Academy of Dermatology elects new officers, board members

ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 18, 2022) — The American Academy of Dermatology has announced the results of its annual election. The Academy’s new officers and board members will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,500 physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of

Dermatologists are more than skin experts

From the President ... Dr. Hruza served as Academy president from March 2019 to March 2020. ... By George Hruza, MD, MBA, February 1, 2020 It is no great secret that dermatology is a small specialty. However, what some people may not know is that dermatology’s reach in the medical

Solving a decades-old mystery

A woman dealt with persistent and debilitating skin issues for 40 years before a visit to the dermatologist leads to an allergy diagnosis that changes her life. ... JoAnne's story ... I first started experiencing skin issues when I was a teenager, such as dry and scaly patches on my

January 10, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 10, 2024 ... Intralesional MMR vaccine after failure of intralesional Candida antigen in patients with recalcitrant warts DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Beyond disfigurement — The potential for keratinocyte carcinoma

American Academy of Dermatology installs new officers, board members

SAN DIEGO (March 8, 2024 )  ... — Two new officers and five new board members will be installed immediately upon conclusion of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. The officers and board members are all board-certified dermatologists and members of the AAD, the world’s largest

American Academy of Dermatology elects new officers, board members

Rosemont, Ill. (April 10, 2023) – The American Academy of Dermatology has announced the results of its annual election. The Academy’s new officers and board members will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,800 physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of

Best practices for social media

In addition to keeping up with family and friends, social media sites offer several professional benefits and opportunities to dermatologists: ... Stay current on the latest news and research. ... Connect with colleagues. ... Share educational information with patients. ... Promote your practice. ... Position board-certified dermatologists as the experts


Issue ... August January February March April May June July August September October View digital flipbook In this issue ... From the Editor ... Few words make a dermatologist grimace more than ‘iPLEDGE.’ What’s hot ... This month’s news from across the specialty Clinical Applications ... What are treatment recommendations

American Academy of Dermatology elects new officers, board members

Rosemont, Ill. (April 1, 2024) – The American Academy of Dermatology has announced the results of its annual election. The Academy’s new officers and board members will lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,800 physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of

DW Insights and Inquiries archive

Explore hundreds of ... DermWorld Insights and Inquiries articles by clinical area, specific condition, or medical journal source. ... Access articles by publication date ... 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Access articles by clinical area ... Dermatologic surgery Dermatopathology Medical dermatology Pediatric dermatology Access articles by condition or medical

Eyebrow-raising complications of microblading

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD May 1, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 18 One of the most significant challenges of being a medical dermatologist is that patients assume you are well-versed in all aspects of dermatology, including cosmetic procedures. It is a reasonable expectation that dermatologists have at least a

Diabetes and your skin

Dermatologist explains how diabetes affects the skin and the importance of proper skin care ROSEMONT, Ill. (November 2, 2022) — Your skin is a window to your overall health, and what happens on your skin is often an indicator of what’s happening inside your body. Skin, hair, and nail conditions


Issue ... September January February March April May June July August September October November December View digital flipbook In this issue ... From the Editor ... I remember the first melanoma I ever saw What's hot ... This month's news from across the specialty Clinical Applications ... Oral minoxidil: A

Digital media kit: AAD online advertising

Advertise on to be top-of-mind for key decision makers ... is an award-winning website, attracting more than 3.75 million unique visitors each month. With interactive, online-only features, goes beyond the news to provide helpful, practical tools and resources for the dermatology community as well as consumers with

What is the AAD Fellow (FAAD) designation and why should I use it?

Asked and Answered ... December 1, 2020 In a health care environment where non-clinician physicians and others claim to be "skin experts," it is increasingly important to make sure dermatology patients and the public know the profound difference in the advanced training that dermatologists receive. Use the new AAD Fellow

Boards Fodder: Procedural dermatology

Select a title below to access the Boards Fodder PDF. ... NEW! Surgical complications part 1: Acute and sub-acute complications of cutaneous surgery ... Access the PDF NEW! Surgical complications part 2: Long-term complications of cutaneous surgery ... Access the PDF Alopecia areata treatment Antiseptics and sterilization methods Atopic dermatitis

AAD launches Your Digital Health

There is a lot of noise in the health app world, but nothing can replace the expertise of a dermatologist. To help patients understand the landscape and sort online misinformation from reality, over the summer, the Academy launched ... Your Digital Health . This is a new public-facing web hub

Educating the public – Choose a derm

Choose A Dermatologist campaign increases public awareness of dermatology ... Every month, our public education social posts are seen by 1.75 million people on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! Through the Choose A Dermatologist campaign, we empower you to communicate the value of choosing a dermatologist on your individual channels so

Who do you turn to?

From the President ... Dr. Cronin served as Academy president from March 2023 to March 2024. ... By Terrence A. Cronin Jr., MD, FAAD, June 1, 2023 Dr. Cronin speaking at the Plenary at the 2023 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. ... When you need financial advice where do you

JAAD Case Reports

JAAD Case Reports ... JAAD Case Reports  is an open access, online-only journal that focuses on short, single-point articles.  ... JAAD Case Reports  is dedicated to publishing case reports and addressing issues related to diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. ... Access JAAD Case Reports About ... JAAD Case

Promoting your practice on social and traditional media

Social media best practices Access the Academy's guidance on best practices for social media, how to handle negative reviews, and other social media issues for dermatologists. ... Dermatology issues in the news Stay up-to-date on hot topics with this quick reference tool, from issues around sunscreen, to skin cancer awareness,

Where can I find the AAD Fellow logo and how can I use it to promote my practice?

Asked and Answered ... May 1, 2024 In a health care environment where non-physician clinicians and others claim to be "skin experts," it is increasingly important to make sure dermatology patients and the public know the profound difference in the advanced training that dermatologists receive. Use the AAD Fellow (FAAD)

Acne clinical guideline

Acne guideline ... Access the full acne guideline from JAAD. ... Go to the guideline Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition occurring when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to bacterial overgrowth and inflammation. Acne is one of the most common diseases worldwide, affecting

Your Dermatologist Knows

Your Dermatologist Knows is a new consumer positioning strategy that reimagines the AAD’s public relations efforts. The strategy engages the public with questions on their health and wellness, putting dermatologists in the foreground with an upbeat and approachable message. ... Our research shows that the majority of Americans already view

Educating the Public — FAAD

The AAD Fellow (FAAD) designation — a member benefit available exclusively for fellows of the AAD — assures your patients and the public that you are the leader in diagnosing and treating skin, hair, and nail conditions. If you’re one of our 2,900 members using the FAAD designation to promote

November 7

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / November 7, 2018 ... Fee Schedule: How will your practice fare in 2019? Adopt-a-Shade: Giving kids a safe place to play Academy releases guidelines for melanoma treatment Are you smarter than

DataDerm: A year of growth

Facts at your fingertips ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, March 1, 2022 The largest clinical registry of dermatologic patients in the world, the Academy’s DataDerm ... TM ... platform, housed data from over 11 million patients as of Dec. 31, 2020, according to a recently published ... JAAD article

Cosmetic crackdown

FDA to be granted greater authority over cosmetic regulations in 2024. ... Feature ... By Andrea Niermeier, Contributing Writer, October 1, 2023 Social media has opened the door for cosmetic brands to use new and innovative ways to connect with consumers. Instead of walking the aisles of their favorite store,

Clinical care

The Academy provides a wealth of clinical resources to help optimize patient care. ... DermWorld Insights & Inquiries DWI&I offers perspectives on current dermatologic literature that are meant to be used in the clinic. ... JAAD Access JAAD, which is designed to meet the clinical and continuing education needs of

Your Dermatologist Knows: Media wins

The media remains hungry for stories about skin health and to advance our ... Your Dermatologist Knows goals, the Academy works together with members of the Media Expert Team to pitch stories to traditional media and online outlets to ensure the message that board-certified dermatologists are the experts in skin,

Myth busting

The Academy’s Your Dermatologist Knows campaign counters trending misinformation on skin, hair, and nail health. ... Feature ... By Matthew Walsh, Member Communications Specialist, October 1, 2024 It has been two years since the launch of Your Dermatologist Knows, a consumer positioning strategy the Academy developed in direct response to

PDF of Hypertrichosis

of terminal hair w/o other abnormality; ↑# normal hair Elise M.

Media tips

The American Academy of Dermatology has developed these key messages to help you educate the public about the specialty. In addition to providing tips for media interviews, these key messages provide clear, consistent talking points on the skin, hair, and nail topics most commonly requested by the media. ... The

2022: Best of DermWorld Insights and Inquiries

December 29, 2022 We know how much you enjoy Dr. Heymann and the editorial board’s weekly analyses of dermatologic literature, so we’ve created a list of the top 10 most popular issues in 2022 — starting with the most popular issue of the year. ... 1. Coming full circle (almost)

Board of Directors

The Academy’s officers and board members lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,000 physicians specializing in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of skin, hair, and nail conditions. ... Email the ... Board of Directors . ... Please note: The Academy cannot provide personalized medical

Pityriasis rubra pilaris: Check a TSH!

By Warren R. Heymann, MD ... June 10, 2016 ... There are myriad ways to mine the data from the review of 100 cases of PRP by Ross et al, however, one key finding will change the way I will assess these patients — 20% were hypothyroid! (1) ... There

Impact Report — Vol 4, Issue 2

Assessing, acting, accomplishing. The Academy does a lot for members by listening to you, assessing your needs, and keeping on the pulse of your interests. We follow through with action. In this ... Impact Report , read about our continued efforts to advocate for you and your practice on Capitol

Cyrina finds relief for painful, chronic boils and abscesses

Through Medicaid, a patient finds relief for hidradenitis suppurativa after years of severe, chronic abscesses and blisters. ... Cyrina's story ... Cyrina Anthony, San Francisco, California ... In seventh grade, a boil first appeared under my right arm. It was horrifying and scary and I didn’t even want to tell

Support Good Skin Knowledge

Misunderstanding about skin conditions common to children ages 8-13, such as acne, can lead to teasing and bullying. ... Good Skin Knowledge helps combat this by providing free resources to educators. These fun, easy-to-use lesson plans teach children important lessons about skin health and help build self-confidence about their skin.

Payer advocacy: Modifier 25

Skin, hair, and nail issues are often obvious to patients because they are visible, and patients typically present with multiple concerns due to their ability to see changes. Dermatologists frequently use  ... modifier 25  to bill for both an evaluation and management or E/M service and an unrelated procedure in

2022 DW Insights and Inquiries archive

Explore ... DermWorld Insights and Inquiries articles by publication date. ... December ... Dec. 28 - 2022: Best of DermWorld Insights and Inquiries Dec. 21 - Holiday Greeting 2022 Dec. 14 - A Frank discussion about earlobe creases Dec. 7 - Xylazine ("Tranq"): The potential for loss of life and

Advances in therapy for the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome have increased survival: And that’s the way it is

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Aug. 28, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 35 Part of the folklore at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine when I rotated as a fourth-year medical student in dermatology was that a prior resident made the correct diagnosis of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS). The constellation of

Don't break the bank!

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... How to do the math before adopting new technology ... How to do the math before adopting new technology ... By Victoria Houghton, assistant managing editor From iPads, to hair-removal devices, to patient portals, there’s no shortage of

Application packet for the AAD HAIR Grant program

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Hair Loss and Alopecia Initiative in Research (HAIR) Grant

A new spin

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Examining the theory behind the use of platelet rich plasma for dermatologic procedures ... Examining the theory behind the use of platelet rich plasma for dermatologic procedures ... By Victoria Houghton, assistant managing editor Professional football players, world-renowned

Why you should hear about the red ear syndrome

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 22, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 29 Is it my imagination that the "by the way" comments at the presumed end of a patient encounter cause the most angst? Usually, it’s something like "Oh, I forgot to mention that I’m losing my hair!" Recently, at

Managing Gen Z patients

Answers in Practice ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, March 1, 2023 DermWorld ... talks to Brittany Craiglow, MD, FAAD, from Yale School of Medicine, about tips for managing Gen Z patients — individuals born after 1996. DermWorld: Tell us about your practice. Brittany Craiglow, MD, FAAD ... Dr. Craiglow:

We all know.

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, October 1, 2024 Ask any of us and we will confidently claim that no one knows more about skin, hair, and nails than a board-certified dermatologist. Unfortunately, social media offers an "open

Caring for an autoimmune patient during a pandemic

Telemedicine allows a dermatologist to care for a melanoma survivor with a rare autoimmune condition during the COVID-19 pandemic. ... Jennifer's story ... Jennifer Bowers, Patient ... I’m fair-skinned with freckles and red hair. I grew up in the 1970s when sunscreen was not yet widely used, and I was

The Academy's impact

Through AAD humanitarian programs, we carry out our commitment to educate the public about healthy skin, hair, and nails in an effort to motivate them to take positive action in improving their quality of life, and in the case of skin cancer, save lives. Additionally, we recognize the importance our

So, you want to be on the AAD board of directors?

From the President ... Dr. Kaufmann served as Academy president from March 2022 to March 2023. ... By Mark Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, July 1, 2022 I can certainly understand why (and relate). The AAD’s ... officers and Board members lead the world’s largest dermatologic society, representing more than 20,000 physicians

Another door opens?

The potential FDA approval of multiple JAK inhibitors could offer new treatment options for dermatology patients ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, assistant managing editor, May 1, 2021 "It was only six and a half years ago when the first case report was published showing successful treatment of a patient

Key messages about rosacea for social media

Rosacea ... Rosacea is a common skin disease that affects 16 million Americans. ... 1-3 ... Although there is no cure for rosacea, proper treatment can help control the condition. ... See a board-certified dermatologist for the diagnosis and treatment of rosacea. ... Rosacea facts ... While people of all

American Academy of Dermatology installs new officers, board members

BOSTON (March 25, 2022) — Immediately following the American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual Meeting, three new officers and four new board members will be installed to help lead the world’s largest dermatologic society and represent more than 20,500 physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment

AAD EpiDerm Awards 2021

From the President ... Dr. Tomecki served as Academy president from March 2021 to March 2022. ... By Kenneth Tomecki, MD, FAAD, January 1, 2022 "Lights, camera, action…" Now is that time for the Academy EpiDerm awards which recognize significant achievement in the specialty during the last year or two

This month's news from across the specialty

What's hot ... July 1, 2020 In this monthly column, members of  ... Dermatology World 's Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... MALLORY ABATE, MD What are COVID toes? Lindy Fox, MD, professor of dermatology at UCSF, weighed in with her expert opinion on

PDF of Clinical Peals Alopecia areata

Familial She is co-editor of Hair in 1,000 people and a lifetime risk of approximately and twin studies

PDF of Dermatologic manifestations of underlying endocrinology

Cutaneous Manifestations Systemic Manifestations Lab Abnormalities Acromegaly Acanthosis nigricans; Acral growth

Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery ... The American Academy of Dermatology urges patients considering cosmetic surgery to choose a board-certified physician. Board-certified dermatologists have expertise in the medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of skin, hair, and nails. ... While nonphysicians performing cosmetic procedures in spas, shopping malls, and walk-in clinics may offer convenience,

How to examine your skin for skin cancer

Board-certified dermatologist shares 5 skin cancer exam tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 31, 2023) — Last year, 69-year-old Isabel Lievano's board-certified dermatologist diagnosed the persistent black spot under her nail as melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Though she lost her nail, she was thrilled that her dermatologist was able

Olmsted syndrome patients can finally put their foot down

By Warren R. Heymann, MD January 20, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 3 Reading Olmsted’s seminal paper entitled "Keratodermia Palmaris et Plantaris Congenitalis" is captivating reading on multiple levels. In that era of descriptive dermatology, there is an allure in how he differentiates his patient from keratodermas described by the giants

January 19, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 19, 2022 ... Finasteride: Topical vs. oral for male androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Probing pityriasis rosea in pregnancy Derm Coding Consult : Dermatology benign, premalignant, and malignant

Confidence redefined: permanent makeup can empower individuals with skin and hair conditions

New study by dermatologists highlights what to look for when considering permanent makeup ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 18, 2024) — Permanent makeup, also called cosmetic tattooing, is a popular form of tattooing that can be used to replace or enhance a person’s makeup application or help them camouflage certain medical conditions.

Start the presses!

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Experts offer advice on how to successfully manage media relations ... Experts offer advice on how to successfully manage media relations ... By Victoria Houghton, assistant managing editor When Anne Chapas, MD, arrived in New York City and

Negotiation tips

How to negotiate a contract like a pro ... You’ve made it through the hard parts. You have the knowledge, skills, and now the official opportunity to treat patients. But there’s one little thing standing in your way: The contract. ... Actually, it’s not so little. ... A contract does

Burden of Skin Disease briefs

Download the briefs using the cards below. ... Acne Burden of Skin Disease: Acne by the numbers ... Atopic dermatitis Burden of Skin Disease: Atopic dermatitis by the numbers ... Bullous diseases Burden of Skin Disease: Bullous diseases by the numbers ... Congenital abnormalities Burden of Skin Disease: Congenital abnormalities

PDF of Chemotherapy specific cutaneous reactions

skin, white fies with treatment duration -Spontaneously resolves with chemo- inhibitors (specifi- hair

Two long years

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, February 1, 2022 Some days, it does not seem possible that almost two years have elapsed since we first heard about this worrisome new virus. Other days, it is hard to believe

PDF of Diagnosis and associations

Other findings Acanthosis nigricans Diabetes PPARG Hypertension, diabetic dermopathy, diabetic ulcers HAIR-AN

Your Dermatologist Knows media wins 2024

A key part of Your Dermatologist Knows is pitching stories to media outlets in hopes they’ll run news stories sharing information about the wide breadth of knowledge dermatologists have to their readership. We consider every new story published as a result of our pitches as a win, regardless of whether

JAAD ranks no. 1 among dermatology journals

The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’s ... impact factor increases by 34% ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 5, 2022) — The ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology is the top peer-reviewed journal in its field, according to the 2021 journal impact factor rankings recently published by Clarivate’s Journal

February 9, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Feb. 9, 2022 ... Tinted sunscreens: A practical guide to counseling patients DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Lightening the cutaneous and emotional burden of melasma — cysteamine’s role Nemolizumab plus topicals

August 3, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Aug. 3, 2022 ... Dutasteride microinjections with oral minoxidil vs. oral minoxidil for androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Infantile digital fibromatosis – Inclusions and exclusions CMS outlines payment changes

Frontal fibrosing alopecia: Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 13, 2017 Women given the diagnosis of frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) with different severity grades. A, FFA grade I/V in a premenopausal 30-year-old woman, with a less than 1-cm wide area of cicatricial skin produced by the recession of the frontal and temporal hairline.

Texas dermatologist recognized for improving the quality of life of a child with rare condition

American Academy of Dermatology honors Dr. John Browning as national "Patient Care Hero" ROSEMONT, Ill. (November 30, 2022) — Board-certified dermatologist John Browning MD, FAAD, FAAP, adjunct associate professor of pediatrics and dermatology at UT Health in San Antonio, was named an American Academy of Dermatology Patient Care Hero for

January 11, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Jan. 11, 2023 ... Antihistamines as adjunct therapy for alopecia areata DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Acquisition and loss — A tribute to Jouni Uitto, MD, PhD Lidocaine shortage: Ask the

August 23, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 23, 2023 ... Efficacy of upadacitinib in patients with recalcitrant vitiligo DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Vascular abnormalities in FFA, artificial intelligence, and Winston Churchill Efficacy of tretinoin cream in

Hidden in plain sight: Satoyoshi syndrome

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 19, 2018 I was inspired by the conclusion of a report detailing an 11 year-old boy from India diagnosed Satoyoshi syndrome: "We present this case to emphasize the importance of recognizing Satoyoshi syndrome, which could go unnoticed if not suspected." (1) ... I have

PDF of Nutritional diseases

supplementation, corneal scarring is permanent Vitamin A excess Kids at higher risk; megavitamin Hair

2024 AAD Annual Meeting Global Education Day - Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venerologists and Leprologists agenda

Kumudhini Exosomes – The current breakthrough for skin and hair Dr.Anchala Parthasaradhi Real world

March 2, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / March 2, 2022 ... Biotin beware: Physician, patient knowledge about lab interference DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : The rhythm of RIME Infections in children treated with dupilumab Cutaneous adverse events are

Support system

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Dermatologists step in to treat cutaneous side effects of cancer treatments so patients can complete their therapy ... Dermatologists step in to treat cutaneous side effects of cancer treatments so patients can complete their therapy ... By Ruth

February 7, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Feb. 7, 2024 ... Androgenetic alopecia: topical minoxidil vs. low-dose oral minoxidil DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Short anagen syndrome — The long and short of it Skin cancer incidence in

What's hot?

What's hot ... May 29, 2018 In this monthly column, members of the ... Dermatology World Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty. ... Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc ... You may be surprised to learn that a ... new organ’ in the skin was recently identified.

March 3, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / March 3, 2021 ... The latest on the association between diet and acne DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Time to reassess messing around with steroids and psoriasis Is intralesional 5-FU effective

Routine Foot Care and Wart Paring

A common coding question in dermatology concerns Medicare coverage of routine foot care. Medicare Part B does not cover routine foot care, unless it is part of a medically necessary treatment for a disease or condition, such as metabolic, neurologic, or peripheral vascular disease. In addition, the need must be

PDF of Photosensitivity disorders

Groups A, B and C are most common: XPC in US/ at the University of Pigmentosum XPB: AD) deafness, growth

April 24, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / April 24, 2024 ... False negatives: How biotin can interfere with lab tests DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans recurrence — Size matters Risk of paradoxical eczema in patients receiving

July 12, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / July 12, 2023 ... Association between hydrochlorothiazide use and nonmelanoma skin cancer DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : After 23 years, a syndrome converted me into an eflornithine believer Potential applications of

Caring for transgender patients

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Experts discuss cultural and medical competencies of providing care for transgender patients ... Experts discuss cultural and medical competencies of providing care for transgender patients ... By Victoria Houghton, assistant managing editor Cyndi Yag-Howard, MD, vividly remembers the

PDF of Immunodeficiencies

especially leukemia nodes (no geminal centers), • Bruton tyrosine kinase • CMI intact diarrhea and growth

Pathways: High school and college students

For pre-med and postbaccalaureate students ... The Dermatology Career Preparation Program is at the center of our ... Pathways: Inclusivity in Dermatology initiative. This program is designed to support underrepresented pre-med and postbaccalaureate students on their journey to becoming physicians, with a special focus on dermatology. If you have an

May 1, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / May 1, 2024 ... Consensus statements for the treatment of vitiligo in younger patients DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Eyebrow-raising complications of microblading Role of low-dose oral minoxidil for treatment of

Wound healing biology

Secrete foreign growth factors for fibroblast stimulation and material, ECM development- PDGF, TGF-α

PDF of Drugs and dermatologic diseases

Chemotherapeutic, nitrosurea family Hyperpigmentation under bandages Cetuximab (Erbitux) Inhibits epidermal growth

Advocacy Update April 23, 2024

IN THIS ISSUE / April 23, 2024 AADA met with FDA on importance of access to safe and effective sunscreens House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee reviews Change Healthcare Cyberattack Medicare audit resources for dermatologists South Carolina dermatologists hold leadership retreat AADA engaged Elevance Health dermatology priorities SkinPAC update FDA

Common Growths Pamphlet

No matter how a growth arose on your patient’s skin, they will look to you for reassurance that the growth

PDF of DIR winter 2021

should include a president of the oral and topical JAK inhibitors such as tofacitinib American Hair

PDF of Genes

Binds nuclear junD MEN IIa and IIb AD (RET) RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASE Proto-oncogene Menke’s Kinky Hair

PDF of Neonatal ichthyosis infectious dermatoses

cutaneous SCC AR Photosensitivity, ichthyosis, Photosensitivity Trichothiodystrophy Sulfur deficiency in hair

November 11, 2020

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / November 11, 2020 ... How effective are steroid-sparing agents in treating chronic alopecia areata? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Raising a toast to advances in treating alcohol-induced flushing Derm Coding Consult

Decomplexing plexiform neurofibromas

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Dec. 29, 2016 Plexiform neurofibromas (PNs) are some of the most disfiguring and therapeutically challenging lesions that dermatologists confront. PNs are mostly associated with autosomal dominant neurofibromatosis type 1. Rarely, they may also be seen in germline p16 mutation-positive heritable melanoma and Cowden syndrome. Diffuse

Coding lessons learned in 2022 — update on all of the common coding FAQs

Derm Coding Consult ... By Faith C. M. McNicholas, RHIT, CPC, CPCD, PCS, CDC, Manager, Lead Coding and Reimbursement Strategist, January 1, 2023 Academy coding staff address important coding topics each month in DermWorld ... Coding Consult. Read more Derm Coding Consult articles . 2022 has come to a close

Incysting on understanding pilar cysts

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 15, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 28 Chances are you will see patients with at least one pilar cyst today. You will reassure them of their benignity, stating that the risk of their becoming cancerous is infinitesimal, and perhaps you will excise some lesions. Inquisitive

PDF of Hyperplasias and Benign Neoplasms of Adnexal Origin

patient Trichofolliculoma Small, papule or nod- Multiple “baby” follicles empty- ule with tuft of hair

A niche within NICH

By Warren R. Heymann, MD February 26, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 8 Just when I thought I grasped the concept of congenital hemangiomas, new data raises novel questions. ... Compared to infantile hemangiomas that grow rapidly after birth and then involute, congenital hemangiomas arise and proliferate in utero. Although two

PDF of Pregnancy dermatoses

pregnancy form polycyclic Recurs with spread to hypovitaminosis resolves pustules, growth

The AAD and innovation

Image for changing the narrative innovation ... by Melanie Tolley Hall Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, AAD Over the last three articles, I’ve highlighted the AAD’s brand pillars to provide perspective on how the AAD is evolving to respond to the changing health care environment and member needs. ... Education

Mental health cases in pediatric dermatology

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Experts discuss the cutaneous manifestations of Munchausen by proxy, child abuse, and eating disorders ... Experts discuss the cutaneous manifestations of Munchausen by proxy, child abuse, and eating disorders ... By Barbara Boughton, contributing writer While most dermatologists

PDF of Familial cancer syndromes

Testicular tumors (Sertoli, Leydig tumors), & LAMB Syndromes) myxoid neurofibromas, ephelides; pituitary growth

PDF of Bones, eyes, nails

cataracts Fanconi’s Anemia AR: FANC Absent radius or thumb, Strabismus, retinal hemorrhages microcephaly, growth

PDF of Retinoid biology part 2

Stimulates TGF-beta expression due to acidic pH 6 Ferulic acid (N -fufuryladenine) AKA: kinetin Plant growth

Treating metastatic melanoma: Understanding a brave new world

Acta Eruditorum ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, April 2, 2018 In this month's Acta Eruditorum column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, talks with Jane Grant-Kels, MD, and Daniel Klufas,

Collodion babies and endocrine disorders: Another concern

By Warren R. Heymann, MD June 23, 2017 Collodion baby. Tight, shiny film or dried collodion reminiscent of the skin of a sausage covers the entire surface of this 2-day-old neonate whose mother was treated with infliximab throughout her pregnancy. ... Credit: ... JAAD Collodion baby (CB) describes an infant

What's hot?

What's hot ... March 28, 2019 In this monthly column, members of the ... Dermatology World Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty. ... Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc ... The title says it all: ... Lack of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration indication should not

Psoriasin: Its other meaning and implications

By Warren R. Heymann, MD May 28, 2018 Biologic processes are akin to world-class orchestras requiring precise coordination between the conductor and musicians. One miscue by either can spoil the performance. I am awed by how our bodies function magnificently in health. The orchestration of the panoply of proteins, enzymes,

PDF of Antiseptics and sterilization methods

Additional Considerations: - Antiseptic solutions may become contaminated and support bacterial growth

PDF of Disorders of dyschromia

TOC: Minocycline Kwashiorkor Protein deficiency, normal Edema, potbelly, red-tinged dry hair +/- flag

Et tu, Ibrutinib?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 8, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 27 When it comes to medications that I never prescribe, I learn from my patients who present with findings that compel me to do my homework. Such was the case of a middle-aged woman with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

The Venetian antithesis: Treating median canaliform nail dystrophy

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Oct. 4, 2023 Vol. 5, No. 40 Tony Bennett may have left his heart in San Francisco, but mine remains in Venice. ... (The editorial staff of DWI&I offer our sincerest condolences to the families of those who perished, and our prayers for recovery

A look at the Academy’s fight for fair payment

Moving the needle ... By Apoorva Stull, Senior Manager, Advocacy Communications, October 1, 2024 DermWorld ... breaks down the latest highlights of AADA advocacy activities at the federal and state legislative and regulatory level. The Academy’s sole 2024 federal congressional advocacy priority is Medicare physician payment reform, which includes establishing

PDF of VP elect letter

participated in insurance reimbursement initiatives, which I feel will allow me to advance its continued growth

Minutes of the Nov. 6, 2021 AAD Board of Directors meeting.

negotiations for the next publisher agreement in 2023, with the JAAD’s strong manuscript submission growth

Talk of the town: JAK inhibitors in dermatology

Dermatologists discuss the influx of new JAK inhibitors in dermatology and how they are breaking new ground for the specialty. ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, Assistant Managing Editor, April 1, 2024 Over the last decade, research and development of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors have exploded. Three years ago, JAK

Going green: The complexities of the green nail syndrome

By Warren R. Heymann, MD February 3, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 5 I find a unique satisfaction in diagnosing the green nail syndrome (GNS, aka chloronychia, Goldman-Fox syndrome) — it is easy to recognize and very reassuring to patients who were convinced they had a subungual melanoma. Based on new

April 4

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / APRIL 4, 2018 ... Deadline approaching: Review your Sunshine Act info New Medicare card transition to begin this month FDA seeks methods to improve biosimilar pathway iPLEDGE REMS program website experiencing

Honing in on diffuse dermal angiomatosis

By Warren R. Heymann, MD February 17, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 7 Diffuse dermal angiomatosis (DDA) was conceptualized as a variant of reactive angioendothelimatosis (RA) in 1994 by Krell et al, reporting on two women, both with severe peripheral vascular disease requiring bypass grafts, presenting with ulcerated, violaceous plaques on

Eruptive nevi: Trying to connect the dots

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Sept. 15, 2016 Eruptive nevi are striking — they may appear after a variety of disorders, including Stevens-Johnson/toxic epidermal necrolysis, primary blistering diseases, trauma, immunosuppression (from disease or iatrogenically-induced), PUVA therapy, or idiopathically. There are also several reports in the literature for eruptive Spitz nevi

Opening doors and paying it forward

AAD member John Zampella, MD, FAAD, loved participating in the AAD’s Leadership Institute programs . Dr. Zampella’s story ... John Zampella, MD, FAAD ... I am an Associate Professor of Dermatology at NYU School of Medicine. I am excited to share my experiences with the American Academy of Dermatology Leadership

PDF of Alopecia

Finasteride, Male: Hamilton-Norwood NEW Boards’ Alopecia hereditary disorder; recession and vertex hair

Is there a genetic basis of CCCA and, if so what is it?

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, July 1, 2019 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, talks with Amy McMichael, MD, about her recent

Life insurance 102: Five success factors when using permanent life insurance

Money Matters ... David B. Snyder, JD, CLU ... ® ... , is an attorney, author, and financial advisor at the wealth management firm OJM Group. He covers financial issues for dermatologists in this quarterly ... Dermatology World column. ... By David B. Snyder, JD, CLU, September 2, 2019 In

Topical retinoid therapy for acanthosis nigricans: In the thick of it

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Dec. 11, 2019 Vol. 1, No. 39 At the risk of overgeneralizing, in my experience there are two types of patients with acanthosis nigricans (AN) — those who are devastated by it, and those are unaware that they have it. ... This commentary will focus


TikTok as a tool to engage with public health and promote dermatologic expertise ... Feature ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, May 1, 2022 For a fleeting moment, there were few questions more pressing than, "Is it a Bones Day?" ... Last fall, Noodle, a 13-year-old pug, shot to stardom

Coding and Practice Updates for 2015 - January On-Demand Webinar

Updates on the sustainable growth rate and Meaningful use ... Newly revised codes for pathology ...

This month’s news from across the specialty

What’s hot ... September 1, 2022 In this monthly column, members of the  ... DermWorld Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... Bryan Carroll, MD, PhD, FAAD What’s Hot? Capsaicin! The popular spice has been shown to decrease inflammation through a mechanism that is independent

PDF of Skin signs of internal malignancy

Acquired hypertrichosis Growth of lanugo hairs.

Prurigo pigmentosa as the “keto rash”: I’m a believer

By Warren R. Heymann, MD February 5, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 5 Patients are attuned to their diets — healthy, unhealthy, or trendy. Unquestionably, certain foods exacerbate specific dermatoses — just ask any dermatitis herpetiformis patient how they fare with a slice of Sicilian pizza. More often the situation is

Learning to be bold

Twelve-year-old Silas DeHaven, from DeWitt, Iowa, enjoyed his fourth year at Camp Discovery. Silas's story ... Since he was 8 years old, Silas has enjoyed attending Camp Discovery every year. ... My name is Silas, and I like going to Camp Discovery. It’s nice to see other kids like me,

Alopecia areata incognita in Cronkhite-Canada syndrome suggests an autoimmune etiology – and that’s the way it is.

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Sept. 14, 2017 Cronkhite–Canada syndrome. A, Onycholysis. B, Alopecia. ... Credit: ... JAAD I have always been intrigued by the mysterious nature of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) — although I have considered the disorder in my differential diagnosis, I have never seen a case. ...

Evaluation and management in 2021: Part 4

Cracking the code ... Dr. Miller, who is in private practice in Yorba Linda, California, represents the American Academy of Dermatology on the AMA-CPT Advisory Committee. ... By Alexander Miller, MD, December 1, 2020 Jan. 1, 2021: A new structure for reporting office and other outpatient evaluation and management (E/M)

Studying skin aging never gets old: The potential role of oxytocin

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Oct. 14, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 41 Every day, dermatologists address patient concerns about their aging skin — whether they are presenting for medical, surgical, or cosmetic problems. Extrinsic factors such as ultraviolet light and smoking resulting in a leathery, coarsely wrinkled appearance are well

Got milk? Got acne?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 30, 2016 I loved to drink milk as a kid — I would guzzle it. I was on the chunky side, so my mother encouraged me to have skim milk to cut down on the calories. I never really cared for it, but she

4 cradle cap tips from dermatologists

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (August 18, 2022) — Bringing home a new baby is a joyous time for any parent. For first time parents, bringing home a new baby can unlock a wide range of emotions—from excitement to nervousness. As you adjust to parenthood, you’ll notice that your

PDF of rebranding manifesto

Our progress and growth comes from the ideas of the few and the diverse opinions of many.

What is the impact of shaving waivers on promotions for Black/African American U.S. airmen?

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, October 1, 2022 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, talks with Lt. Col. Simon Ritchie,

PDF of Mohs micrographic surgery

malignancies • Physician must act as both the surgeon and pathologist • Relies on the contiguous growth

A sweeter approach to treating scleroderma?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 14, 2017 Scleroderma fingernail changes. A, Longitudinal ridging and pitting. B, Brachyonychia. C, Trachyonychia. D, Thickened and enlarged cuticles. E, Thickened, enlarged, and irregular cuticles. F, Nailfold capillaroscopy: presence of enlarged and giant capillaries. G, Nailfold capillaroscopy: presence of enlarged and giant capillaries,

PDF of BF transplant dermatology

natural killer cells MD, MPH, is a etanercept ↓ KC risk through inhibition of tumor growth

What’s new at Annual Meeting? What can I expect from Annual Meeting 2024?

Asked and Answered ... January 1, 2024 This year’s Annual Meeting is headed to San Diego! Get ready to expand your expertise through hundreds of expert-led sessions and form lasting connections with your peers. ... You’ll always experience the gold-standard of education during an AAD meeting, and this year attendees

Read all about it: Dermatology's media impact

Facts at your Fingertips ... By Emily Margosian, assistant editor, April 1, 2019 There’s nothing fake about this news: In 2018, the Academy generated nearly 9 billion media impressions in print and online. Despite the unpredictability of the current media landscape, the specialty’s public impact has remained stable with a

October 12, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Oct. 12, 2022 ... Type 2 diabetes and CCCA severity DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Fixing the concept of the neutrophilic fixed drug eruption What’s the risk of IBD in patients

Leadership story by Kelly M. Cordoro, MD, FAAD

Leadership Development Steering Committee chair Kelly M. Cordoro, MD, FAAD, finds it an incredible privilege to strengthen and expand the programs and offerings of the Leadership Institute. Dr. Cordoro’s story ... Kelly M. Cordoro, MD, FAAD, chair of the AAD’s Leadership Development Steering Committee. ... Leadership training has influenced every

PDF of pearls on eczema

patient’s hair care practices.

What are treatment recommendations for managing CCCA?

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, August 1, 2024 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, DermWorld ... Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, talks with Susan C.

Coding and Practice Updates for 2015 Live Webinar

Updates on the sustainable growth rate and Meaningful use ... Newly revised codes for pathology ...

Coding and Practice Updates for 2015 - January Live Webinar

Updates on the sustainable growth rate and Meaningful use ... Newly revised codes for pathology ...

Staying Profitable - How to Evaluate Profitable Practice Opportunities

Identifying what steps practices can take to increase their profitability and being positioned for growth

Skin conditions by the numbers

Acne ... Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. ... 1 ... Acne usually begins in puberty and affects many adolescents and young adults. ... Approximately 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at

September 2018 Dialogues in Dermatology Issue

How to Approach a Patient with Hair Loss by Melissa Piliang, MD, interviewed by Cyndi Yag-Howard, MD

September 2014 Dialogues in Dermatology Issue

Includes 3 Interviews: Evaluation of Hair Loss ... by Eleanor Knopp, MD interviewed by Christine Warren

PDF of Disorders of hypopigmentation

Disease Genetics / Pathophysiology / Histology Clinical Features Oculocutaneous OCA1A At birth white hair

PDF of Rodriguez video statement

My growth in our leadership conferences, participation in our legislative conferences and experience

This month’s news from across the specialty

What’s hot ... October 1, 2024 In this monthly column, members of the  ... DermWorld Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... Mallory Abate, MD, FAAD How highly hereditable is melanoma? Prior studies have estimated that genetic predisposition is rare, with as few as 2.5%

“Black dot” alopecia areata

By Warren R. Heymann, MD April 16, 2016 This week I had a 35 year old man present with a one month history of a round patch of alopecia. He was told by his PMD that he had tinea and was started on oral terbinafine (which he had been on

Dermatologists educate the public and media during National Healthy Skin Month infographic

overall health, and encourage the public to seek care from a board-certified dermatologist for skin, hair

Leading by serving

Go to AAD Home ... Go to AAD Home ... Menu ... Is the servant leadership model right for you? ... Is the servant leadership model right for you? ... By Ruth Carol, contributing writer People often choose a career in medicine to help others, so why not choose a

Laboratory testing for syphilitic alopecia: Time to renew old habits?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD June 4, 2018 I’m not sure how this happened. I used to check several laboratory studies in patients presenting with alopecia, including a rapid plasma reagin (RPR) for syphilis (in addition to a CBC, TSH, iron binding studies, ANA and vitamin D; testosterone and DHEAS

How to treat acne

Board-certified dermatologist offers skin care advice to help you get the best results from your acne treatment ROSEMONT, Ill. (November 17, 2022) — Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. As your body’s largest organ, it’s important to take

For Starling Tolliver, MD, dermatology provided an opportunity to help her community.

For Starling Tolliver, MD, dermatology provided an opportunity to help her community. Dr. Tolliver’s story ... Starling Tolliver, MD, (left) with her mentor Andrew F. Alexis, MD, FAAD, (right) when participating in the AAD’s Diversity Mentorship Program in 2019. ... I am the youngest of three girls, and grew up

June 15, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 15, 2022 ... FDA approves first systemic treatment for alopecia areata DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Aluminum can cause allergic contact dermatitis — Allergen of the Year 2022 DermWorld Young

Lupus and Your Skin Pamphlet

Provide your patients with lupus information about the skin and hair changes that can occur after a

PDF of Vascular malformations

Proportional growth with child and may darken and become nodular over time.

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans recurrence: Size matters

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD April 24, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 17 Editor’s note: An abridged version of this commentary was published in the November 2023 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ... . Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a fascinating soft tissue tumor; although considered

Caveat mTOR revisited: Neurofibromatosis

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Feb. 14, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 7 An abridged version of this commentary was published in "A Clinician's Perspective" in the April 2023 issue of the JAAD. ... It is understandable how dermatologists may forget about many details of rare genodermatoses after taking their

PDF of Oral disease, part 2

Palifermin (kerati- Usually appear 4-7 days after che- nocyte growth factor) may motherapy administered

Cannabinoids may elevate therapy for connective tissue diseases to a higher level

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Nov. 2, 2017 Medical "reefer madness" is taking hold in the United States with approximately 10% of cannabis users utilizing it for diverse medical conditions, including dermatologic disorders such as pruritus and atopic dermatitis. To date, at least 28 states allow for the use of

PDF of AAD-29

With 26 different histological BCC subtypes varying in growth and severity, recording the subtyping


Issue ... March January February March April May June July August September October November December View digital flipbook In this issue ... From the Editor ... I called a colleague the other day to discuss a patient What's hot ... This month's news from across the specialty Clinical Applications ...

PDF of Fall 2021 DIR

and acitretin have also -Up to 45% of the time the been utilized lichenoid infiltrate involves the hair

September 15, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 15, 2021 ... Worsening psoriasis after COVID-19 vaccination DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Is ivermectin an old drug with new tricks? Frontal fibrosing alopecia and facial care products Biden administration

Attending the masquerade ball with CTCL and alopecia areata

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 1, 2017 It comes as no surprise to dermatologists that cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) is associated with alopecia, especially in patients with follicular mucinosis (alopecia mucinosa), but how often does CTCL masquerade as alopecia areata? ... Amin et al reported a 33-year-old female

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) for Dermatology Manual

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination of skin, hair or nails ...

PDF of resident & fellows abstract

Gaseous and Particulate Content of Laser Hair Removal Plume.

Five unsafe skin care trends to avoid

Advice from board-certified dermatologists to keep your skin healthy ROSEMONT, Ill. (Nov. 1, 2023) — Social media platforms are rife with skin care advice from a variety of sources, which can make it difficult to know how to approach the recommendations you find online. In recognition of National Healthy Skin

January 2016 Dialogues in Dermatology Issue

Women with Hair Loss ... by Lynn A. Drake, MD interviewed by Martha Council, MD ...

PDF of Infestations: scabies and pediculosis

infection: scalp louse on scalp • 0.5% Carbaryl tact - Less common in pyoderma, low-grade hair

AAD 2019 Strategic Plan: Our vision for the future

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... The Academy Board of Directors and President Suzanne Olbricht, MD, convened during a special three-day working event to imagine what the organization should look like a decade from now. What they outlined and documented as

New insights on propranolol for hemangiomas

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, March 1, 2020 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, talks with Jack L. Arbiser, MD, PhD, about

Angiosarcomas and morbid obesity: An enormous problem

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Feb. 26, 2017 Localized lymphedema. A, Case 7 showed many polypoid lesions that varied in size and were localized throughout the vulva, pubis, and perineum. B, Case 9 showed multiple small polypoid lesions with cauliflower-like morphology in the penis and scrotum. C, Case 3 showed

PDF of Lasers

localized granulomatous tissue reaction to tattoo Ruby 694 Red Melanin, tattoo ink particles Pulsed Hair

September 8, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Sept. 8, 2021 ... A review of spironolactone for androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Alarming but benign – The enigma of acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy What are the

Patient advocate resources

Academy advocacy & patient education resources ... Advocacy priorities  ... Online public education on diseases and conditions Prior authorization patient resources Drug pricing and availability Step therapy legislation Patient power ... Read the ... DermWorld feature ... Patient Power: Technology amplifies the patient voice in advocacy groups . ...

2024 AAD Annual Meeting Global Education Day - Egyptian Women’s Dermatologic Society agenda

different dermatologic diseases Learning objective 2: To master clinical approach to common and uncommon hair

A single case report has the potential to change the world: Could JAK inhibition alter the trajectory of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Aug. 3, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 31 In 1965, Reye described 18 small, fibrous tumors from 12 children submitted to his laboratory for histological examination, that he had accumulated over two decades. Initially, these lesions were tentatively classified as well-differentiated fibrosarcomas. His seminal observation

Evaluation and management: Selecting the codes

Cracking the Code ... Dr. Miller, who is in private practice in Yorba Linda, California, represents the American Academy of Dermatology on the AMA-CPT Advisory Committee. ... By Alexander Miller, MD, September 3, 2018 You have evaluated a patient, and now it is time to select an appropriate level of

GP - Reserve Fund Policy

Investment of the RF The RF shall be invested according to the AAD/A\222s Long-Term Conservative Growth

May 31, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / May 31, 2023 ... Cause or cure: Dupilumab and alopecia areata DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Taking it on the shin – part 1 A simplified dermoscopic algorithm for melanoma diagnosis

November 2, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Nov. 2, 2022 ... Factors that influence platelet rich plasma efficacy in androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Lipodystrophia semicircularis — A lipoatrophy not to get depressed about Underlying conditions

PDF of Derm surgery: Danger zones and relevant anatomy

Plane Structures to avoid Scalp Subgaleal Scalp arteries (subgaleal plane is relatively avascu- lar); Hair

Cutaneous green and E-A-G-L-E-S!

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Jan. 25, 2018 Dermatologists will be seeing a lot of green in their offices the next two weeks, especially here in the Delaware Valley, in anticipation of Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis on February 4th, 2018. ... May this serve as a reminder that some

March 13, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / March 13, 2024 ... Men with androgenetic alopecia may benefit from platelet-rich plasma DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Coming clean on chlorhexidine-induced dermatoses Roflumilast for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis Potential

PDF of Sample pre-event press release

Anyone who has concerns about their skin, hair, or nails should see a board-certified dermatologist for

Acne necrotica: A real head-scratcher

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD May 15, 2024 Vol. 6, No. 20 I sympathize with new residents in dermatology coming to grips with difficult terms and concepts that are essential in practice. As a novice, I recall struggling with the concept of acne necrotica (AN), dreading that I would

The case for comprehensive patch testing

Acta Eruditorum ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, September 3, 2018 In this month’s Acta Eruditorum column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, talks with Jenny E. Murase, MD, about her

Start the new year off with a fresh start (and skin)

Advice from a board-certified dermatologist on seeking cosmetic treatments ROSEMONT, Ill. (January 9, 2024) — With a rise in both public accessibility and visibility, cosmetic treatments are more popular than ever. Whether your New Year’s resolution is to improve your health or to look and feel your best, the most

Your Dermatologist Knows guides public with helpful content across all platforms

2023 was the first full year of the Your Dermatologist Knows consumer positioning strategy and it garnered strong results. The strategy has two main prongs: social media and traditional media.  ... Social media ... Your Dermatologist Knows-related social media content was shared far and wide in 2023. The Academy posted


Issue ... October January February March April May June July August September October November December View digital flipbook In this issue ... From the Editor ... It’s October already What’s hot ... This month’s news from across the specialty Clinical Applications ... What is the impact of shaving waivers on


Issue ... May January February March April May June July August September October November December View digital flipbook In this issue ... From the Editor ... The medium is the message What’s hot ... This month’s news from across the specialty Clinical Applications ... New CDC treatment guidelines for sexually

World Congress Fund Poster Abstract eBook

Laser hair followed by XPV and then XPA (P <0.05). which encodes the RecQ helicases.

PDF of cosmetic career case study

Career case study The growth of the cosmetic career path Susan Weinkle, MD, interviewed by Directions

Centering leadership around wellness

Employers may wonder what role wellness has to play in leadership, or how they can improve an individual’s well-being. But since most people spend so much of their lives working, the workplace is full of opportunities to impact wellness either positively or negatively. Cultivating wellness helps leaders retain employees, maintain

The real jigsaw puzzle of the Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome: Translating the molecular biology to therapy

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Oct. 22, 2018 Residents jump for joy when they see the characteristic "jigsaw puzzle" appearance of cylindromas under the microscope. Histopathology, however, takes us only so far. The future lies in elucidating the molecular pathways of these tumors that lead to therapy. Who could have

Signs your rash needs medical attention

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (Jan. 23, 2024) — Rashes take many forms, may spread across the body, and affect people of all ages. To the untrained eye, rashes may look alike, and while some are treatable with over-the-counter medications, other rashes can be a sign of a more serious condition.

Why you should choose AAD Camp Discovery flyer

will come to Camp Discovery to experience an adventure filled with fun, friendship, and personal growth

Using teledermatology for those with limited access

AAD member Paul S. Yamauchi, MD, PhD, FAAD, finds teledermatology to be a helpful tool. Dr. Yamauchi's story ... Paul S. Yamauchi, MD, PhD, FAAD, finds teledermatology to be an effective tool. ... I started to do teledermatology many years ago to provide more convenience and faster access for our

October 2016 Dialogues in Dermatology Issue

Includes 3 Interviews: Hair Disorders in Skin of Color ... by Amy McMichael, MD interviewed by Shadi

Netherton syndrome: From apex to nether

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 31, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 13 If you are a dermatologist preparing for your board exam, I’ll wager that you can rattle off the classical features of Netherton syndrome (NS, aka Comel-Netherton syndrome) in a heartbeat. The more important question — would you recognize

June 30, 2021

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 30, 2021 ... Treating atopic dermatitis with cognitive behavioral therapy: Does it work? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Deep learning in dermatopathology Sublingual tofacitinib for alopecia areata Biologic psoriasis treatments

What's hot?

What's hot ... July 24, 2018 In this monthly column, members of the ... Dermatology World Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty. ... Edward W. Cowen, MD, MHSc ... The first human retrovirus, identified in 1980, was not HIV, but human T-cell lymphotrophic virus-1 (HTLV-1). It

August 7, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 8, 2024 ... Is oral minoxidil safe for pediatric patients? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Rounds on pityriasis rotunda Contact allergens in ‘clean’ children’s products Is cumulative methotrexate associated with

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Nov. 15, 2023 ... Platelet-rich plasma vs. minoxidil in androgenetic alopecia treatment DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : The woolly culprit — Lanolin revealed as an uncommon cause of dermatitis on normal

Resident Education Grant – American Academy of Dermatology

You’ve built your career on a strong foundation beginning with the AAD Annual Meeting. Here is your chance to help the next generation. ... You know how important the Annual Meeting has been for you – both personally and professionally. The meeting is packed with insight, connections, and learning that will

December 16, 2020

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Dec. 16, 2020 ... What are risk factors for frontal fibrosing alopecia? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : We’re in hot water! Vibrio vulnificus infections are heading north. Vaccine distribution begins: When

Dermatology World Weekly

DermWorld Weekly  is a brief, concise digest of the latest news, hand-picked by  ... DW’s  editorial team with analysis of why it matters to dermatologists. ... Each week editors review the landscape of health care news in  ... DermWorld's  core areas of practice management, policy, and patient care, and highlight

January 2016 Dialogues in Dermatology Issue

Women with Hair Loss ... by Lynn A. Drake, MD interviewed by Martha Council, MD ...

American Academy of Dermatology statement on skin cancer misinformation

American Academy of Dermatology President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 4, 2024) —  With the summer drawing to a close, the American Academy of Dermatology has noticed an increase in online and media misinformation regarding skin cancer risk and sun protection. It is critically important for the

Academy response to benzene petition on benzoyl peroxide products

ROSEMONT (March 8, 2024) — The American Academy of Dermatology Association is aware of a recent petition filed with the FDA describing formation of benzene in products containing benzoyl peroxide that are exposed to elevated temperatures. The American Academy of Dermatology Association and its members are committed to the health

Primary key messages

Whether it’s rashes, wrinkles, psoriasis, or melanoma, skin issues can have a serious impact on your health and well-being. ... What you see happening with your skin can be a helpful indicator of what’s happening inside your body. ... In some cases, skin conditions may be a sign of a

How to care for a new piercing

Board-certified dermatologist’s aftercare tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 20, 2023) — Piercings can be a fun way for people to enhance their personal style. While people may get piercings on different parts of the body, some piercings, like earlobe piercings, are more common and can be less risky. However, all body

How to care for dry, cracked heels

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (Feb. 1, 2022) — With the winter in full swing and the cold nipping at your skin, it’s easy for your feet to become dry and cracked. While this may seem like something you have to live with until spring, dermatologists from the American

Metformin mania: Is it an adequate chemopreventive agent for skin cancer?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Aug. 31, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 35 Precisely a century ago (in 1922) metformin was synthesized, based on the folk knowledge that the active, but toxic constituent guanidine galegine, (derived from French lilac, ... Galega officinalis ) could treat "sweet urine." Metformin is now

Tackling imposter syndrome

DermWorld examines this phenomenon commonly experienced by physicians. ... Feature ... By Andrea Niermeier, Contributing Writer, September 1, 2023 You have made the grade, completed the training, and committed your professional life to helping individuals become and stay well. So why do you sometimes feel like you don’t belong in

PDF of mission statements

The committee helps to determine success metrics, criteria for outreach audiences and policies for growth

PDF of Board Fodder Infantile hemangioma

deiodinase in - Late proliferative phase: continued before starting proliferating heman- slower growth

Teprotumumab: An eye-opening advance for pretibial myxedema?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD May 8, 2017 Histologic images of PME. (A, Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, ×40. B, Colloidal iron stain; original magnification, ×100.) ... Credit: ... JAAD Having just completed the chapter on the treatment of pretibial myxedema (PTM, also known as thyroid dermopathy) for the upcoming

Your Dermatologist Knows continues strong social media performance

The social media element of the Your Dermatologist Knows strategy continued its success in the summer of 2024. ... The Academy’s social media team works with the ... social media correspondents and several social media ambassadors to generate and distribute paid and organic content on the AAD’s ... Instagram ,

Sharing Good Skin Knowledge

Medical student Charissa Obeng-Nyarko, MS, knows the importance of educating youth. Charissa’s story ... Charissa Obeng-Nyarko, MS, first-year medical student at Florida State University College of Medicine. ... Growing up, I was rarely exposed to education about my skin health. Access to this information was limited and also not a

Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp must no longer be dermatology’s secret

By Warren R. Heymann, MD May 30, 2017 As dermatologists, we get used to discussing disorders that are foreign to other physicians. A typical story would be someone with classic notalgia paresthetica whose primary care physician does not believe that cervical arthritis is responsible for the maddening scapular pruritus. "My

This month's news from across the specialty

What's hot ... April 1, 2020 In this monthly column, members of  ... Dermatology World 's Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... MALLORY ABATE, MD Interested in some patch testing pearls for your patients with allergic contact dermatitis? In the January issue of ...

Neil S. Sadick, MD, FAAD CV

understand the role of a ALLOCATION OF TIME dermatologist in treating, preventing and managing skin/hair

Stop itchy skin in its tracks

5 tips for relief from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 24, 2024) — Itchy skin can be irritating, especially an itch that doesn’t go away. There are many potential causes for itchy skin like common skin conditions such as eczema, shingles, hives, psoriasis, or bug bites, or it could

How to make melasma less noticeable

Tips from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (Sept. 12, 2023) — Melasma is a skin condition that causes patches or freckle-like spots on the face that are darker than a person’s natural skin color. Melasma has many causes, including sun exposure, pregnancy, stress, a medical condition, or taking certain medications,

When to Use (or Not Use) Antibiotics on Your Skin

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (Feb. 15, 2022) — Cold weather can be hard on your skin. When your skin becomes dry, as often happens in the winter, it can easily crack and bleed. When caring for a cut or other wound, it might seem logical to apply an

How to relieve itchy psoriasis

Board-certified dermatologist shares four tips to ease the itch ROSEMONT, Ill. (March 23, 2023) — Skin issues can have a serious impact on your health and well-being. For the 7.5 million Americans1 living with psoriasis, itch can be the most bothersome part of their condition because it can make it

How to relieve hives at home

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (Feb. 11, 2022) — Hives are a common skin reaction that causes itchy bumps or raised, swollen-looking patches to appear on the skin. If you have a darker skin tone, hives are often the same color as your skin, or slightly darker or lighter.

PDF of Inborn errors of metabolism

juvenile chronic neuropathic Phenylketonuria Phenylalanine hydroxylase Pigmentary dilution of skin, hair

Humbled again: Alopecic and aseptic nodules of the scalp

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD November 3, 2021 Vol. 3, No. 44 "To confess ignorance is often wiser than to beat about the bush with a hypothetical diagnosis." - Sir William Osler I confess. I had never heard of alopecic and aseptic nodules of the scalp (AANS) and have

Support the Leadership Institute

The AAD’s Leadership Institute gives dermatologists the skills to succeed and become leaders in their communities. From the Academic Dermatology Leadership Program to the Advanced Leadership Forum, your support helps provides invaluable training, mentorship, and networking opportunities for dermatologists at all stages of their careers. ... Donate to support programs

Marissa's 'polka dots': Living with Sturge-Weber

A collaborative care team treats an eight-year-old for Sturge-Weber syndrome, which makes her prone to seizures and other complications. ... Julia's story ... Living with Sturge-Weber ... Learn about how Marissa Terrell lives with Sturge-Weber in a video narrated by Julia Terrell, The Sturge-Weber Foundation. ... My daughter Marissa was

AAD Statement on USPSTF Recommendation on Skin Cancer Screening

Statement from Terrence Cronin Jr., MD, FAAD, President, American Academy of Dermatology ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 18, 2023) — "In its Recommendation Statement on Screening for Skin Cancer, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force — a group that provides guidance for primary care physicians — has determined that there is not

Your Dermatologist Knows

One year since launch, where do things stand with the AAD’s new consumer positioning strategy? ... Feature ... By Matthew Walsh, Member Communications Specialist, November 1, 2023 With social media’s ever-growing prevalence in day-to-day life, an all-too-common occurrence is a patient learning some new "trick" from a viral video and

How to care for skin with vitiligo

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips to prevent vitiligo from spreading ROSEMONT, Ill. (June 13, 2023) — Vitiligo is a disease that causes the skin to lose its natural color, resulting in light or white patches of skin. This condition, which affects people of all ages and ethnicities, not only affects patients’ skin,

An appetite for healthy skin

Can diet affect dermatologic health? Experts weigh in on the evidence. ... Feature ... By Emily Margosian, assistant editor, November 1, 2020 You are what you eat — more than just a mantra, the phrase encapsulates a growing public desire for food-based solutions to targeted health outcomes. However, mixed media

October 25, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Oct. 25, 2023 ... Efficacy of berdazimer gel for molluscum contagiosum clearance DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : A permanent addition to the list of transient neonatal dermatoses — Transient abdominal telangiectasia

September 7, 2022

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / S ept. 7, 2022 ... Are concentrations higher than 5% minoxidil of benefit for androgenic alopecia patients? DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : BASCULE syndrome: Is something brewing with Bier spots? Emollient

PDF of Medical mycology

allylamines Black piedra Piedraia hortae Hard firm black Dark hyphae around concretions acrospores Cut hair

Optimizing the dermatologist-patient encounter

By Warren R. Heymann, MD, FAAD Oct. 5, 2022 Vol. 4, No. 40 My celebration of the USA bicentennial on July 4, 1976, was a glorious affair. I had taken my first plane flight at age 21 to visit Boston, culminating with Arthur Fieldler and the Boston Pops performing Tchaikovsky’s

PDF of Epidermolysis Bullosa

EPIDERMOLYSIS scarring; absent or dystrophic Dental pitting/caries BULLOSA (JEB) nails; anemia; growth

The pachydermoperiostosis prostaglandin paradigm

By Warren R. Heymann, MD July 10, 2019 Vol. 1, No. 18 Prostaglandins were the rage when I started medical school in 1975; their role in inflammatory dermatoses was considered of paramount importance throughout my residency in the early 1980s. Hours were spent studying the transformation of arachidoinic acid to

PDF of Dermoscopy buzzwords and phrases

keratosis Milia-like cysts (>2); comedo-like openings; fingerprint-like structures; cerebriform pattern; hair

Pediatric dermatology

Finding Joy in pediatric phototherapy Congenital Juvenile Xanthogranulomas: Born To Be Wild (But Ultimately Mild) Sophie’s choice: Assessing atypical Spitz tumors in the molecular era The real jigsaw puzzle of the Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome: Translating the molecular biology to therapy​ Sirolumus’s merit for the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon A future therapeutic Harlequin Romance?

Support resident education grants

The future is here. Our up-and-coming residents need your support to further their education for the care of tomorrow’s patients. Support of Resident Education will make that happen. Act now. ... Donate to support programs that help ensure the future of the specialty such as Resident Education Grants Learn more

AADA Health System Reform Principles

(Approved by the AADA Board of Directors, 2009)(Revised and Approved by the AADA Board of Directors, 2020) The American Academy of Dermatology Association established these principles to guide physician leadership in taking policy positions and advocating for health system reform. At the root of these guiding principles is the need

How to prevent keloid scars

Board-certified dermatologist shares tips to reduce your risk ROSEMONT, Ill. (Dec. 6, 2023) — Keloids are a type of raised scar that can occur after an injury, and over time they can grow much larger than the wound itself. Although keloids are not dangerous to a person’s health, they can

How to treat a deep, painful pimple at home

Acne tips from a board-certified dermatologist ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 18, 2023) — Acne can be bothersome, especially when you have a deep, painful pimple, which is caused by nodular or cystic acne. Unlike other forms of acne, such as whiteheads or blackheads, acne nodules and cysts develop deep under your

How to care for an injured nail

Board-certified dermatologist shares four tips for treating nail injuries ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 25, 2023) — It’s easy to injure a nail by slamming a finger in a car door, wearing the wrong shoes, or getting a sports injury. While these common accidents can happen throughout our life, a board-certified dermatologist

American Academy of Dermatology Association Statement on Reports on Counterfeit Injectables

American Academy of Dermatology President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD ROSEMONT, Ill. (Apr. 11, 2024) — The American Academy of Dermatology Association is alarmed by reports of patients suffering from illnesses resembling botulism after undergoing procedures that use possible counterfeit botulinum toxin, also known as botox. The concerning rise in

AAD builds strong relationships with dermatologist social media influencers

Part of the Your Dermatologist Knows strategy involves collaborating with social media influencers to help spread the Academy’s message beyond the reaches of AAD social media accounts. The Academy engaged in a series of influencer engagement activities in 2023 to help build and maintain those important relationships. ... At the

Academy values

Advancing excellence in dermatology ... The American Academy of Dermatology is a non-profit medical specialty associationthat was founded in 1938. All the work we undertake on behalf of our members,their patients, and the public is guided by a clear  ... vision  of ...  being r ecognized as the leading authority

June 21, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 21, 2023 ... Methotrexate vs. methotrexate plus prednisone in patients with alopecia areata totalis, universalis DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Turning a blind eye on second opinions Nail clipping histopathology

March 15, 2023

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / March 8, 2023 ... Topical cetirizine with minoxidil vs. minoxidil in androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : A checkup on immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced subacute cutaneous lupus DermWorld Young Physician Focus

Eyeing the use of cryotherapy for eyebrow alopecia areata

By Warren R. Heymann, MD April 5, 2017 I am always looking for alternatives to injecting eyebrow alopecia areata with triamcinolone acetonide (TAC). My protocol, based on the recommendation by Alkhalifah et al, is TAC 2.5 mg/mL, 0.5 mL to each eyebrow, every 4 to 6 weeks, as necessary (1).

Getting within a hair’s breadth of understanding prurigo pigmentosa

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 2, 2017 Prurigo pigmentosa is an uncommon, acquired inflammatory disorder with a predilection for young adults of Asian descent. A 30-year-old Chinese man presented with reticulated erythematous and hyperpigmented papules on his back and shoulders (A and B). The eruption was present for 2

How to treat a sunburn

Board-certified dermatologist shares 5 tips for Skin Cancer Awareness Month ROSEMONT, Ill. (May 21, 2024)  — Sunburns can be painful and damaging to your skin, while also increasing your risk of skin cancer, the most common cancer in the United States and one of the most preventable. A new survey

How to check for bedbugs

Board-certified dermatologist’s tips ROSEMONT, Ill. (March 14, 2024) — Bedbugs can make you itch just by thinking about them. These tiny, reddish-brown insects that feed on blood are notorious for infiltrating hotel rooms and luggage, hitchhiking their way back to a new home virtually undetected. ... "Understanding what to be

How to get the best results from fillers

Board-certified dermatologist shares five tips to consider before getting a filler ROSEMONT, Ill. (February 16, 2023) — When we’re young, our skin is soft, supple, and well hydrated, but as we age, our skin slowly loses its youthful characteristics, which can leave some people looking for a way to regain

How to treat eczema at home

Tips from board-certified dermatologists ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 27, 2022) — Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition affecting 1 in 10 Americans. Patients with eczema often experience itchy, dry, raw, and sensitive patches of skin, which greatly impacts their quality of life. As we wrap up Eczema Awareness

Dermatologists warn people about the reliability of online symptom checkers

Research shows that online symptom checkers inaccurately diagnose skin rashes ROSEMONT, Ill. (October 12, 2022) — Thanks to the internet, we have the world at our fingertips, and with just a few clicks, we can easily enter our medical symptoms into websites and apps to self-diagnose illnesses. However, a new

American Academy of Dermatology warns that homemade sunscreens are not proven to be effective and may leave users vulnerable to skin cancer

American Academy of Dermatology Secretary-Treasurer Daniel D. Bennett, MD, FAAD ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 2, 2024) —  While the American Academy of Dermatology is aware of reports of people using homemade sunscreens, research shows that most homemade sunscreens lack effective sun protection, leaving users vulnerable to sunburn, premature skin aging and

JAAD ranks no. 1 among dermatology journals

The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’s impact factor remains #1 in field ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 2, 2024) — The ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology remains the top peer-reviewed journal in its field, according to the 2023 journal impact factor rankings recently published by Clarivate’s Journal

Congress must act to protect patients’ health care access

Statement from Terrence A. Cronin Jr., MD, FAAD, President of the American Academy of Dermatology Association WASHINGTON (Nov. 2, 2023) — CMS finalized cuts to the physician fee schedule for 2024, which will impact the ability of medical practices to cover expenses like equipment, rent, and nursing and office staff

JAAD ranks no. 1 among dermatology journals

The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’s impact factor remains #1 in field ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 5, 2023) — The ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology remains the top peer-reviewed journal in its field, according to the 2022 journal impact factor rankings recently published by Clarivate’s Journal

What's hot?

What's hot ... December 30, 2017 In this monthly column, members of ... Dermatology World 's Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty. ... Annie Chiu, MD ... Body contouring is not only in demand among patients but presents a unique challenge for physicians to achieve consistent

Keeping the frontline workers safe

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... DW Weekly talks with Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, a dermatologist at Henry Ford Health System, about his discovery of a new way of sanitizing personal protective equipment to help keep COVID-19 frontline providers safe. DW Weekly

Growing up with dry, scaly skin

Born with a rare condition called lamellar ichthyosis, a young woman lives a normal life with support from her lifelong dermatologist, while advocating for herself and others. ... Abby's story ... Growing up with dry, scaly skin ... Learn how Abby Evans lives with lamellar ichthyosis, a genetic condition that

PDF of Teeth

foot), deafness, nail dystrophy, palmoplantar palate syndrome keratoderma, cleft lip/palate, sparse hair

Member toolkit: Resources

Stay connected with the Academy ... Whether you are just getting started or a well-seasoned veteran, the Academy’s social media platforms are great resources for staying up to date with the specialty and educating the public. ... Follow @AADmember ( ... Facebook , ... Twitter , ... Instagram ) ...

Boards Fodder: Medical dermatology

Select a title below to access the Boards Fodder PDF. The Medical dermatology category has 17 subsections, in alphabetical order by subject. At the end, find a subsection labeled "Other" for additional subjects. ... Benign and malignant tumors NEW! Angiosarcoma ... Access the PDF Atypical Fibroxanthoma Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors

PS-Merit-Based Incentive Payment System MIPS

Enacted in 2015, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act \(MACRA\ repealed the Sustainable Growth

Alopecia Areata Pamphlet

details about when and how a specific treatment will be recommended and how quickly patients may see hair

PDF of Keratodermas

deafness transfer RNA Carvajal syndrome Desmoplakin Autosomal Recessive Generalized PPK with woolly hair

How to control excessive sweating

Board-certified dermatologist shares 6 tips in time for summer ROSEMONT, Ill. (July 17, 2024) — Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a common medical condition that affects an estimated 15.8 million people in the U.S. It is normal to sweat when you overheat, or your nerves get the best of you.

7 Rosacea skin care tips

Board-certified dermatologist weighs in ROSEMONT, Ill. (Apr. 9, 2024)  — Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects at least 14 million U.S. adults and commonly appears as a tendency to blush or flush more easily than others. While treatable, symptoms, such as skin thickening and eye problems, can often

Talking points: Benzene found in acne care products

Primary key messages ... The Academy has developed key messages for dermatologists regarding the ... Valisure report that found the chemical benzene in acne products containing benzoyl peroxide. ... Benzoyl peroxide, a common acne-fighting ingredient available by prescription and over the counter, has the potential to break down into benzene.

Can topical ketoconazole tip the scales for acne vulgaris?

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Oct. 21, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 42 "Now trending." How often have you seen that phrase when you go online? When it comes to trends in treating acne vulgaris (AV), despite the new addition of oral sarecycline and the release of topical minocycline foam, there

PDF of Modifier 25 Educational Tool

year-old male new patient complains of three-day history of expanding red ring on back and a painful growth

Acne: The drought is over

After years of recycling the same ingredients, dermatologists have novel acne treatments and formulations available — with more on the horizon. ... Feature ... By Allison Evans, assistant managing editor, February 1, 2021 Over the past few years, an incredible amount of innovation has taken place for the treatment of

PDF of Heritable disorders of connective tissue

Ollendorrff syn- disseminata (connective tissue drome nevi), osteopoikilosis DeBarsy syn- Elastin mRNA AR Growth

From the editor

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, February 1, 2019 We lost a great man recently. Funny, because I am sure he would strongly object to being called this. It takes only a glance at his CV to appreciate that

A revelation: Drug-induced pseudoglucagonoma syndrome

By Warren R. Heymann, MD Aug. 21, 2016 Although only having diagnosed the glucagonoma syndrome (GS) once, I have always been fascinated by necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), and conditions that mimic NME, the so-called pseudoglucagonoma syndrome (PGS). ... PGS has been reported with the following conditions: liver disease, inflammatory bowel

Can proteasome inhibitors effectively treat rosacea?

Clinical Applications ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld . She interviews the author of a recent study each month. ... By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, October 1, 2021 In this month’s Clinical Applications column, Physician Editor Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, talks with Jack Arbiser, MD, PhD,

What to consider before selling your practice to a private-equity-backed group?

You’ve owned your dermatology practice for decades. You’ve treated hundreds of patients. You love your work and your ability to help people. ... But you are ready for a change, and want to shift more of your administrative and management duties to another source. ... If your practice is still

Knowing the importance of both medical knowledge and personal leadership development

Leadership Development Steering Committee deputy chair Milan J. Anadkat, MD, FAAD believes in the importance of leadership training for dermatologists. Dr. Anadkat’s story ... Milan J. Anadkat, MD, FAAD, deputy chair of the AAD’s Leadership Development Steering Committee. ... Leadership training is so important. I found it critical for helping

Teledermatology, fast action stop melanoma before it spreads

Using telemedicine, a dermatologist diagnoses a patient’s melanoma and surgically removes it the same day. ... Donna's story ... Donna Randall, patient ... When your health is at risk, you want to see a doctor. Fast. I learned that in 2018, when my husband and I noticed that one of

Understanding how skin impacts self-image

Good Skin Knowledge helped medical student Erika Malana, BMSc, and Meena Reddy, BS, foster good skin habits for girl scouts. Erika’s and Meena’s story ... The girl scouts were led through fun, interactive activities by Erika Malana, BMSc, M3 at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Meena Reddy,

Widening the circle

AAD’s Camp Discovery is looking to make this meaningful opportunity accessible to even more kids and volunteers in the years to come ... Feature ... By Amy Freed Stalzer, Contributing Writer, November 1, 2022 For nearly 30 years, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has offered a camp program for

Directions in Residency archive

Download PDF versions of each issue ... 2024 Summer Feature: What residents need to know about pregnancy dermatoses by Raina Bembry, MD, and Tejesh Patel, MD, FAAD ... Race for the Case: Summer 2024 by Jessica Forbes-Kaprive, DO ... Boards Fodder: Dermoscopic structures and their histopathological and clinical correlations (PDF)

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Manual: A Guide for Dermatology Practices

culture, ectoparasites, vaginal preps KOH/wet prep, cytodiagnosis of molluscum contagiosum, microscopic hair

2024 AAD Innovation Academy Meeting | Press guidelines

latest scientific advancements in the diagnosis and medical, surgical, and cosmetic treatment of skin, hair

August 21, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / August 21, 2024 ... Botulinum toxin in males with androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : AESOP — The ants and the grasshopper FDA approves nemolizumab for prurigo nodularis 2025 Medicare

February 14, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / Feb. 14, 2024 ... Topical tofacitinib for lichen planopilaris, frontal fibrosing alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Caveat mTOR revisited — Neurofibromatosis Risk factors for development of tinea pedis, onychomycosis Mpox

June 5, 2024

Derm World Weekly - A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology | Association ... IN THIS ISSUE / June 5, 2024 ... Oral minoxidil vs. topical minoxidil for male androgenetic alopecia DermWorld Insights and Inquiries : Nailing the diagnosis of the BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome Clotrimazole-betamethasone dipropionate for nonfungal

This month's news from across the specialty

What's hot ... January 1, 2020 In this monthly column, members of  ... Dermatology World 's Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.   ... MALLORY ABATE, MD Is frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) really caused by sunscreen? A new ... JAAD article reviews the evidence. The rising

New American Academy of Dermatology survey shows most Americans are not concerned about skin cancer, even if they are at risk

Board-certified dermatologists urge the public to practice safe sun ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 25, 2023) — As an African American female, Ilia Smith didn’t think she would get melanoma. However, after years of tanning and being outdoors, her life changed drastically when she was diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma. While Ilia

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) for Dermatology eBook

culture, ectoparasites, vaginal preps KOH/wet prep, cytodiagnosis of molluscum contagiosum, microscopic hair

I remember the first melanoma I ever saw

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, September 1, 2021 I was a second-year dermatology resident, having somehow made it through my entire first year without ever seeing one. It was such a unique and rather awe-inspiring experience that

Children are not just little adults

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, February 1, 2023 This teaching point was drilled into me many years ago during my medical school pediatric rotation. Caring for children with skin diseases over the years allowed me to understand

It’s October already

From the Editor ... Dr. Schwarzenberger is the physician editor of ... DermWorld. By Kathryn Schwarzenberger, MD, FAAD, October 1, 2022 It’s that month that starts the time warp into the new year. Somehow, the three months ending each year seem to be compressed into a much shorter amount of

Pennsylvania dermatologist goes beyond exam room to help patients access treatment

Dr. Scott Lim Honored for Efforts to Improve Prior Authorization Process ROSEMONT, Ill. (April 14, 2022) - Pennsylvania board-certified dermatologist Scott Lim, DO, FAOCD, FAAD, was named an American Academy of Dermatology ... Patient Care Hero for his extraordinary efforts to get patients access to the medications they need. ...

PDF of Dermatologic adverse events

and acitretin have also -Up to 45% of the time the been utilized lichenoid infiltrate involves the hair

PDF of Nail disease

indented Mechanical trauma, Amy Reinstadler, MD and Nazanin Saedi, MD Location of matrix furrow from growth

The 2020 vision for nemolizumab in atopic dermatitis

By Warren R. Heymann, MD March 11, 2020 Vol. 2, No. 10 Over the past decade, I have noticed an inversion of the ratio of patients with severe psoriasis versus atopic dermatitis (AD) in my practice. The biologic revolution has clearly favored those afflicted with psoriasis; although dupilumab has improved

Sophie’s choice: Assessing atypical Spitz tumors in the molecular era

Atypical Spitz tumor category. Higher magnification reveals severe cytologic atypia. Although cells exhibit a spindled appearance typical of the Spitz nevus, they appear severely dysplastic with nuclear hyperchromasia and an immunogenic host response. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification: ×40.) ... Credit: ... JAAD By Warren R. Heymann, MD Dec. 10, 2018

From mentor to mentee: Two perspectives on overcoming imposter syndrome

Answers in Practice ... By Emily Margosian, Assistant Editor, September 1, 2024 DermWorld ... talks to William James, MD, FAAD, and Paige Porter, MD, about what drives imposter syndrome in medicine and how to implement mentoring strategies to overcome it. DermWorld: Tell us about your practice. William D. James, MD,